Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Move your app forward with the Convert API. The Convert API allows you to manage your Convert Experiences projects using code. The REST API is an interface for managing and extending functionality of Convert. For example, instead of creating and maintaining projects using the Convert Experiences web dashboard you can create an experiment programmatically. Additionally, if you prefer to run custom analysis on experiment results you can leverage the API to pull data from Convert Experiences into your own workflow. If you do not have a Convert account already, sign up for a free developer account at
Convert API V1 is still available and documentation can be found here but using it is highly discouraged as it will be phased out in the future
When using API keys, Convert API uses the Hash-based message authorization code (HMAC). Instead of having passwords that need to be sent over, we actually use Signing Method for API request validation. When you send HTTP requests to Convert, you sign the requests so that Convert can identify who sent them. So every request should contain Signature, calculated with the help of a Secret Key, Request URL, Request payload, Request Expiration time.
Changing any request value (or time expires) invalidates the signature.
Three headers have to be sent with each request in order for the request to be authenticated correctly by Convert API:
: The value of this one is as follows: Convert-HMAC-SHA256 Signature=[generated_hash]
; The [generated_hash]
is a request signature calculated applying sha256 hashing algorithm on ApplicationID, ExpiresTimestamp, RequestURL, RequestBody.var SignString = ApplicationID + "\n" + ExpiresTimestamp + "\n" + RequestURL + "\n" + RequestBody;
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(SignString, ApplicationSecretKey);
var hashInHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(hash);
var Authorization = "Convert-HMAC-SHA256 Signature=" + hashInHex;
For the above example, the Authorization
header would be "Authorization: Convert-HMAC-SHA256 Signature=${Authorization}"
In order to use the Convert app, user has two options to authenticate requests:
IMPORTANT: currently this is available only for's own clients, all other third party clients need to authenticate using API KEY Authentication
Returns either the authentication cookie and user's data either request for more authentication data. The flow starts by user providing username/password after which, authentication is either successfully, either it needs more data, eg MFA code if user has MFA auth enabled
A JSON object containing the login and password.
username | string |
requestType required | string |
object (PasswordAuthData) Data sent with every auth request |
{- "username": "string",
- "requestType": "initiatePasswordAuth",
- "data": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "auth-code": "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED",
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "profileData": {
- "email": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "login_provider": "convert",
- "user_id": "string",
- "intercom_hash": "string",
- "elevio_hash": "string",
- "canSudo": true,
- "onlyCollaborator": true,
- "persona": "string",
- "techPerson": true
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- "editorSettings": {
- "codeOpen": false,
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- "codeEditorHeight": 300,
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Sends email with password reset link to the given email if an account is found being registered in the system
A JSON object containing the login of the user requesting password reset
username | string The username that requests the password reset |
{- "username": "string"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Endpoint used to complete password reset process, providing the code received by the user upon requesting it
A JSON object containing the login of the user requesting password reset
authSub | string The user internal ID that is sent from the system, part of password reset link, to user's email |
code required | string Password reset code that is sent from the system, part of password reset link, to user's email |
newPassword required | string New user password as provided. Maximum length is 99 characters |
confirmNewPassword required | string New user's password confirmation, should match newPassword. Maximum length is 99 characters |
token | string Password reset token that is sent from the system, part of password reset link, to user's email |
{- "authSub": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "newPassword": "string",
- "confirmNewPassword": "string",
- "token": "string"
{- "auth-code": "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED",
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "profileData": {
- "email": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "login_provider": "convert",
- "user_id": "string",
- "intercom_hash": "string",
- "elevio_hash": "string",
- "canSudo": true,
- "onlyCollaborator": true,
- "persona": "string",
- "techPerson": true
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- "editorSettings": {
- "codeOpen": false,
- "codeBoxId": "variationCode",
- "codeEditorMaximized": false,
- "codeEditorHeight": 300,
- "codeLinterOn": false
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- "campaign"
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- "speed": 5,
- "enabled": true
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- "TODO-define-it"
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- "lastOpenAccount": 0,
- "lastOpenProject": 0,
- "frontendVersion": "v0",
- "convertLabsOptIn": false
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- "mfa_backup_codes": [ ]
Endpoint used to invalidate authenticated sessions
A JSON object containing the logout challenge name.
requestType | string Enum: "currentSession" "otherSessions" "allSessions" |
{- "requestType": "currentSession"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Sends email with password reset link to the given email if an account is found being registered in the system
A JSON object containing the login of the user requesting password reset
username | string The username that requests the password reset |
{- "username": "string"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Each response returned by API endpoints can have fields that are not returned by default, for improved performance, in many use cases where those fields would not be needed.
Important: Object returned as a response of a created/update operation would include also the optional fields of that object.
Those requests which can return optional fields specify the list of possible values for those fields names in an include parameter, described either as part of the URL, either as part of the request body.
The include
parameter must be an array when present. In URL parameters, use the following format:
include=stats # ❌ Wrong
include[]=stats # ✅ Correct
"code": 422,
"message": [
"The 'include' parameter must be a array."
"parameters": [
Fields mentioned in the include parameter can belong to Expandable Fields
in which case that respective field would be expanded by default.
Example: include[]=variations.changes
for a getExperience operation, variations.changes is an expandable field of that response,
which would then be expanded by default.
Each response returned by API endpoints can have fields that reference other objects, which are not returned in full by default. For example, the getExperience operation returns and Experience object which contains a project field. By default, this is a string and represents the ID of the referenced project object.
In some use cases, more data related to the respective object might be needed. The Convert API offers the ability to expand certain fields into a more detailed object identified by the ID that would be sent by default.
The expanded object is the same object that the get[Object] operation would return, not having though any of the Optional fields
The expand
parameter must be an array when present. In URL parameters, use the following format:
expand=project # ❌ Wrong
expand[]=project # ✅ Correct
"code": 422,
"message": [
"The 'expand' parameter must be a array."
"parameters": [
returns a list of access roles together with their permissions that are applied system wide
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "permissions": {
- "account": {
- "manage_addons": true,
- "manage_sso": true,
- "manage_api_keys": true,
- "manage_blocked_ips": true,
- "edit": true
}, - "billing": {
- "managePlan": true,
- "manage_billing": true,
- "manage_payment": true,
- "request_payment": true
}, - "feature": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "livedata": {
- "view_account_livedata": true,
- "view_project_livedata": true,
- "view_experience_livedata": true
}, - "history": {
- "view_account_history": true
}, - "collaborator": {
- "view": true,
- "crud": true
}, - "project": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true,
- "import": true,
- "export": true
}, - "domain": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "tag": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "goal": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
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Get authenticated user's data Note: This is only available for users authenticated via Cookie Authentication
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Updates user's profile data, except preferences which are handled through separate /user/preferences endpoint
User profile properties that can be updated
firstName | string <= 200 characters User's first name |
lastName | string <= 200 characters User's last name |
currentPassword | string <= 25 characters Current user's password, needed in order to proceed with password change |
newPassword | string <= 25 characters New user password as provided; if both newPassword and confirmPassword are given, password will be validated and eventually updated |
confirmPassword | string <= 25 characters New user's password confirmation, should match newPassword |
string <email> <= 100 characters User's email address. currentPassword field should be sent along with this field. | |
any |
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Endpoint used to complete the email change process, providing the code received by the user upon requesting it
Request for confirming user email's change
code required | string The security code received via email, to the new email address |
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Updates user's preferences like persistent display options, notifications, in app settings etc
A JSON object containing user's preferences data
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Get authenticated user's MFA secret needed to create an account in an authenticator app like Google Authenticator It can be used to generate a QR code which is easier read by authenticator apps
{- "mfa_secret": "string"
Account is the entity that contains all data. An account is owned by an user and in which more other users can have different permissions, account wide or at project level
Returns a list of all the accounts the authenticated user has access to. In case of authenticating through API keys, user has access to only one account, which is the one connected to the API key In case of authenticating through username/password, user can have access to multiple accounts
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- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "limitsAndCapabilities": {
- "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
Returns the list of active billing plans that an account can subscribe to
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
Returns the last 100 tracking events for the given account.
account_id required | integer ID of the account to be retrieved |
Filter Projects Live Data list by projects & methods
event_types | Array of strings or null (LiveDataEventTypes) Enum: "view_experience" "conversion" "transaction" |
projects | Array of integers or null List of projects id to get data by |
object or null A list of segments used to filter the report | |
expand | Array of strings or null (LiveDataExpandFields) Enum: "custom_segments" "experiences" "experiences.variation" "conversion.goals" "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "projects": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "expand": [
- "custom_segments"
{- "data": [
- {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browser": "internet_explorer",
- "country": "st",
- "visitor_type": "new",
- "campaign": "string",
- "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
], - "event_type": "view_experience",
- "experiences": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "variation": 0
], - "conversion": {
- "goals": [
- 0
], - "products_ordered_count": 0,
- "revenue": 0
}, - "project": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
Returns the historic list of changes the authenticated user has access to;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Filter Projects history list by projects & methods
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
methods | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryMethods) Enum: "api" "app" |
projects | Array of integers or null List of projects id to get data by |
objects | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryObjectTypes) Enum: "account" "audience" "feature" "collaborator" "domain" "goal" "hypothesis" "experience" "report" "change" "variation" "project" "tag" List of objects to get data by |
sort_by | string or null Default: "timestamp" Enum: "timestamp" "project_id" "event" "object" A value to sort history list by specific field(s) Defaults to timestamp if not provided |
expand | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryExpandFields) Value: "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "page": 1,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "methods": [
- "api"
], - "projects": [
- 0
], - "objects": [
- "account"
], - "sort_by": "timestamp",
- "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "event": "string",
- "info": {
- "isAdminChange": true,
- "text": "string"
}, - "changes": {
- "old": { },
- "new": { }
}, - "method": "string",
- "object": "string",
- "object_id": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "request_id": "string",
- "project": 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Get a list of active and completed experiences from all projects inside an account, which match the filters provided
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
projects | Array of integers or null Project IDs list to be used to filter experiences |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "conversions" "improvement" "name" "start_time" "end_time" "status" "project_id" "primary_goal" A value used to sort experiences by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
search | string or null A search string that would be used to search against Experience's name and description |
type | Array of strings or null (ExperienceTypes) Enum: "a/b" "a/a" "mvt" "split_url" "multipage" "deploy" "a/b_fullstack" "feature_rollout" The type of the experiences to be returned; either of the below can be provided |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "projects": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "search": "string",
- "type": [
- "a/b"
], - "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "alerts"
], - "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns Accounts details
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
include | Array of strings (AccountDetailsIncludeFields) Items Enum: "stats" "settings.tracking_script.available_versions" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "data": {
- "id": null,
- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "access_all_projects": true,
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "single_sign_on_status": "disabled"
}, - "billing": {
- "id": "string",
- "details": {
- "isPausedByQuota": true,
- "nextBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "currentBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "pending_cancellation": false,
- "cancellation_request_timestamp": 0,
- "billingType": "paid",
- "company": "string",
- "tax_code": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address_street": "string",
- "address_city": "string",
- "address_zip": "string",
- "address_state": "string",
- "address_country": "string",
- "emails": [
- "string"
}, - "settings": {
- "overQuota_charges": true,
- "subscription_paused_until": 0
}, - "card": {
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "time_added": 0,
- "last_digits": 0
}, - "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "limitsAndCapabilities": {
- "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "stats": {
- "active_projects_count": 0,
- "active_domains_count": 0,
- "active_deploys_count": 0,
- "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "subAccounts_usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
Update given account details and returns updated Accounts details
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
A JSON object containing account details to be updated
accountType | string Type of the account. Main accounts can create sub-accounts. All the billing quotas of the parent account will be the max sum that child accounts can get. For example, if the parent account has 20M Tested Users included, and this has two sub-accounts, the sum of the two sub-accounts quotas of tested visitors cannot be more than 20M Tested Users. |
name | string <= 200 characters Account friendly name |
object Various Account level settings that can be controlled by the user | |
object Billing related data and settings |
{- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "single_sign_on_status": "disabled"
}, - "billing": {
- "details": {
- "company": "string",
- "tax_code": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address_street": "string",
- "address_city": "string",
- "address_zip": "string",
- "address_state": "string",
- "address_country": "string",
- "emails": [
- "string"
}, - "settings": {
- "overQuota_charges": true,
- "subscription_paused_until": 0
}, - "card": {
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "time_added": 0,
- "stripe_card_token": "string"
}, - "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan_id": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan_id": 0
}, - "cancellation_reason": "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": null,
- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "access_all_projects": true,
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "single_sign_on_status": "disabled"
}, - "billing": {
- "id": "string",
- "details": {
- "isPausedByQuota": true,
- "nextBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "currentBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "pending_cancellation": false,
- "cancellation_request_timestamp": 0,
- "billingType": "paid",
- "company": "string",
- "tax_code": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address_street": "string",
- "address_city": "string",
- "address_zip": "string",
- "address_state": "string",
- "address_country": "string",
- "emails": [
- "string"
}, - "settings": {
- "overQuota_charges": true,
- "subscription_paused_until": 0
}, - "card": {
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "time_added": 0,
- "last_digits": 0
}, - "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "limitsAndCapabilities": {
- "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "stats": {
- "active_projects_count": 0,
- "active_domains_count": 0,
- "active_deploys_count": 0,
- "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "subAccounts_usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
Create a sub-account under the main account identified by the given account_id
account_id required | integer ID of the parent account under which the sub-account is being created. |
A JSON object containing sub account details to be updated
name required | string <= 200 characters Account friendly name |
object Various Account level settings that can be controlled by the user | |
required | object |
userName required | string Name of the user that would own this account. |
userEmail required | string Email of the user that would own this account. If the an user exists with that email, the respective user would be used. Otherwise, a new user would get created. |
sendUserEmail | boolean Default: false Flag indicating whether an email to be sent or not to the user, notifying them that an account was created for them by main account. An email with a complete sign-up link would be sent regardless if the user does not exist into the system and gets created. |
customEmailText | string <= 1024 characters Custom text to be appended to the email that gets sent to the user if |
{- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "billing": {
- "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan": {
- "product": "experiences",
- "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0
}, - "userName": "string",
- "userEmail": "string",
- "sendUserEmail": false,
- "customEmailText": "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": null,
- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "access_all_projects": true,
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "single_sign_on_status": "disabled"
}, - "billing": {
- "id": "string",
- "details": {
- "isPausedByQuota": true,
- "nextBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "currentBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "pending_cancellation": false,
- "cancellation_request_timestamp": 0,
- "billingType": "paid",
- "company": "string",
- "tax_code": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address_street": "string",
- "address_city": "string",
- "address_zip": "string",
- "address_state": "string",
- "address_country": "string",
- "emails": [
- "string"
}, - "settings": {
- "overQuota_charges": true,
- "subscription_paused_until": 0
}, - "card": {
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "time_added": 0,
- "last_digits": 0
}, - "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "limitsAndCapabilities": {
- "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "stats": {
- "active_projects_count": 0,
- "active_domains_count": 0,
- "active_deploys_count": 0,
- "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "subAccounts_usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
Request account addons
account_id required | integer ID of the account for which the addons will be requested |
A JSON object containing a list of addons to be requested
addon required | string (AccountAddonsTypes) Enum: "one_time_convert_launch" "conversionXl_mini_course" "convert_remote_1h" "goodUi_annual_solo" |
collaborator_email | string <= 100 characters Collaborator's email in case this addon is requested for a collaborator |
collaborator_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's name in case this addon is requested for a collaborator |
{- "addon": "one_time_convert_launch",
- "collaborator_email": "string",
- "collaborator_name": "string"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Starts a stripe payment setup session and returns the token needed on frontend to complete the necessary authorisation.
account_id required | integer ID of the account for which the payment setup will be started |
A JSON object containing required parameters
{ }
{- "client_secret": "string"
Get list of users to setup plan
account_id required | integer ID of the account for which the plan setup users will be returned |
{- "data": [
- {
- "user_id": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "name": "string"
Creates variants of a given text using Generative AI, according to the provided parametrs
account_id required | integer ID of the account under which the api call executes |
required | object List of parameters to customize how the AI engine generates the results |
content required | string Content to re-write |
openAI_Key | string OpenAi access key. When provided, a larger context content can be used (up to the model's limit - we will call GPT-4 mode of openAi) |
context_content | string Content to be added to the AI language model in order to improve accuracy of the generation.
When no |
previousResponses | Array of strings List of previous responses that have been received from the endpoint, in order to generate a different variant. |
principle_class required | any Framework model from which principles used for text generation are selected |
principle required | string (CialdiniPrinciples) Enum: "reciprocity" "commitment_and_consistency" "social_proof" "authority" "unity" "scarcity" "sympathy" One of Robert Cialdini's principles. |
{- "parameters": {
- "variationsNumber": 1
}, - "content": "string",
- "openAI_Key": "string",
- "context_content": "string",
- "previousResponses": [
- "string"
], - "principle_class": "cialdini",
- "principle": "reciprocity"
{- "data": {
- "variants": [
- {
- "content": "string"
Convert Experiences organizes customer data into Accounts(which are billable entities) and gives Users access to accounts under different roles. By default the user that initially setups an account, will get access to that account as the owner of it. Other users can be invited to get access to specific/all projects inside that account becoming this way Collaborators of that Account
Returns the list of users collaborating in the account
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
expand | Array of strings (AccountUserAccessesExpandFields) Items Value: "accesses.project" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "data": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "status": "active",
- "project": 0,
- "role": "owner"
], - "email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Update given accesses of an user inside the account.
When updating pending accesses, email needs to be provided to identify the user receiving them. A new message would be sent to user's email each time pending access are updated.
When updating active accesses, user_id needs to be provided to identify the user receiving them.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Account User accesses that can be updated
user_id | string or null The ID of the User in case the access invitation was accepted by the user; null otherwise |
first_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's first name |
last_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's last name |
Array of objects List of projects the user can access | |
custom_message | string <= 200 characters Custom message to be sent to invitee |
expand | Array of strings (AccountUserAccessesExpandFields) Items Value: "accesses.project" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "project": 0,
- "role": "admin"
], - "custom_message": "string",
- "expand": [
- "accesses.project"
{- "data": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "status": "active",
- "project": 0,
- "role": "owner"
], - "email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Add's user accesses in the given account
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Account User accesses that will be created
first_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's first name |
last_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's last name |
required | Array of objects List of projects the user can access |
email required | string <= 100 characters Collaborator's email |
custom_message | string <= 200 characters Custom message to be sent to invitee |
expand | Array of strings (AccountUserAccessesExpandFields) Items Value: "accesses.project" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "project": 0,
- "role": "admin"
], - "email": "string",
- "custom_message": "string",
- "expand": [
- "accesses.project"
{- "data": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "status": "active",
- "project": 0,
- "role": "owner"
], - "email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
Deletes given accesses of an user inside the account
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Account User accesses to be deleted
user_id | string or null The ID of the User in case the access invitation was accepted by the user; null otherwise |
Array of objects List of projects the user can access |
{- "user_id": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "project": 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Checks if partner is a valid one for extended API access
Request to verify a partner's validity
string <= 100 characters Partner's email |
{- "email": "string"
{- "email": "string",
- "allowed": true,
- "alreadyGranted": true
Endpoint used to accept collaborators invitation. New user account will be created if provided hash token is valid. A temporary password will be sent to the email which was used for an invitation.
A JSON object containing the hash token sent to user email
hash | string <= 200 characters The hash token sent to user who has been invited to be a collaborator |
{- "hash": "string"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
API Keys are used to authenticate requests from Server side applications that access this API
Returns a list of API keys defined to access one or more projects in the given account
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "projects": [
- 0
], - "key_id": "string",
- "key_secret": "string"
Creates an API key and return it back to the client
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Create API Key schema
name | string <= 100 characters Name of the API key - used for easier identification in the system |
projects | Array of numbers or null List of project ID's this key has access to. If no projects given, the key has access to all projects in the given account |
{- "name": "string",
- "projects": [
- 0
{- "name": "string",
- "projects": [
- 0
], - "key_id": "string",
- "key_secret": "string"
Deletes an API key
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
key_id required | string ID of the API key to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Once you start using Convert Experiences, you will have a growing number of experiences to manage. Projects help you keep everything organized across multiple sites. Each project has its own tracking code, set of experiences, and set of collaborators. For example, if you run experiences on multiple domains, you can assign a unique project for each domain. Read here some things you need to know about how a project behaves.
The Projects endpoint returns the list of all projects that belong to the given account and to which the authenticated user has access to
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Filter Projects list by search & status
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
status | Array of strings or null Enum: "active" "inactive" Filters projects by their status |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against Project's name and description |
legacy_script | boolean or null Enum: true false Filters projects based on whether they use the legacy script ( |
tracking_script_release_type | Array of strings or null (TrackingScriptReleaseTypes) Enum: "manual" "latest" "scheduled" Filters projects by their tracking script release type. |
object or null Filters projects by their tracking script version. | |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve projects with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except projects with the given ids. |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "active_tests" "project_name" "project_type" "status" "used_visitors" A value to sort projects by specific field(s) Defaults to id if not provided |
project_type | Array of strings or null Default: ["web"] Enum: "web" "fullstack" Filters projects by their type. |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (ProjectsListIncludeField) Items Enum: "global_javascript" "domains" "stats.usage" "stats.active_experiences_count" "stats.active_experiments_count" "stats.experiences_count" "stats.segments_count" "stats.active_segments_count" "stats.active_goals_count" "stats.google_analytics" "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" "settings.tracking_script.available_versions" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ProjectsListExpandFields) Items Enum: "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" Specifies the list of fields to be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "search": "string",
- "legacy_script": true,
- "tracking_script_release_type": [
- "manual"
], - "tracking_script_version": {
- "is": "string",
- "isNot": "string"
}, - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "project_type": [
- "web"
], - "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "global_javascript"
], - "expand": [
- "default_goals"
{- "data": [
- {
- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "debug_token": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
}, - "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "version": "string",
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "previous_version": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string",
- "status": "pending",
- "ownership_verification": { }
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "id": 0,
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "owner_email": "string",
- "account_id": 0,
- "created_at": 0,
- "modified_at": 0,
- "tracking_snippet": "string",
- "type": "own",
- "stats": {
- "google_analytics": {
- "used_slots": [
- 0
], - "used_dimensions": [
- 0
}, - "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "active_segments_count": 0,
- "segments_count": 0,
- "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiments_count": 0,
- "active_goals_count": 0
}, - "domains": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "sdk_key": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns the historic list of changes the authenticated user has access to under specific project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
Filter Project history list by project entities & methods
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
methods | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryMethods) Enum: "api" "app" |
objects | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryObjects) Enum: "audience" "feature" "domain" "goal" "hypothesis" "experience" "tag" "location" |
audiences | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of audiences id to get data by |
goals | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of goals id to get data by |
locations | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of locations id to get data by |
hypotheses | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of hypotheses id to get data by |
domains | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of domains id to get data by |
tags | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of tags id to get data by |
experiences | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of experiences id to get data by |
sort_by | string or null Default: "timestamp" Enum: "timestamp" "project_id" "event" "object" A value to sort history list by specific field(s) Defaults to timestamp if not provided |
expand | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryExpandFields) Value: "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "page": 1,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "methods": [
- "api"
], - "objects": [
- "audience"
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "hypotheses": [
- 0
], - "domains": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "timestamp",
- "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "event": "string",
- "info": {
- "isAdminChange": true,
- "text": "string"
}, - "changes": {
- "old": { },
- "new": { }
}, - "method": "string",
- "object": "string",
- "object_id": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "request_id": "string",
- "project": 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
This returns a project looking it up by its ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (ProjectIncludeFields) Items Enum: "global_javascript" "domains" "stats.usage" "stats.active_experiences_count" "stats.active_experiments_count" "stats.experiences_count" "stats.segments_count" "stats.active_segments_count" "stats.active_goals_count" "stats.google_analytics" "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" "settings.tracking_script.available_versions" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ProjectExpandFields) Items Enum: "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "debug_token": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
}, - "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "version": "string",
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "previous_version": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string",
- "status": "pending",
- "ownership_verification": { }
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "id": 0,
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "owner_email": "string",
- "account_id": 0,
- "created_at": 0,
- "modified_at": 0,
- "tracking_snippet": "string",
- "type": "own",
- "stats": {
- "google_analytics": {
- "used_slots": [
- 0
], - "used_dimensions": [
- 0
}, - "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "active_segments_count": 0,
- "segments_count": 0,
- "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiments_count": 0,
- "active_goals_count": 0
}, - "domains": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "sdk_key": "string"
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
Create Project schema
global_javascript | string or null The global javascript code that will be loaded on all pages where the tracking script is installed, prior do processing any of experiences, goals, audiences etc. |
name required | string <= 200 characters Name of the project. |
project_type | string Default: "web" Enum: "web" "fullstack" Value which describes project product type. |
object Project settings used for reporting | |
object General project's settings | |
object This holds project wide settings used by integrations | |
status | string (ProjectStatuses) Enum: "active" "inactive" "suspended" The project's status, one of the following. |
object or null Object representing the custom domain that is used for loading the tracking scripts and sending tracking requests to Convert servers instead of the standard Convert domain | |
object Default: {"production":{"label":"Production","is_default":true}} A user-defined key-value object which describes environments available for the project. The number of environments a user can add depends on their plan, by default only one environment is allowed. | |
Array of integers or SimpleGoal (object) (SimpleGoalExpandable) List of default goals for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleAudience (object) (SimpleAudienceExpandable) List of default audiences for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleLocation (object) (SimpleLocationExpandable) List of default locations for this project | |
Array of objects (DomainToCreate) The list of websites included in this project. | |
include | Array of strings (ProjectsListIncludeField) Items Enum: "global_javascript" "domains" "stats.usage" "stats.active_experiences_count" "stats.active_experiments_count" "stats.experiences_count" "stats.segments_count" "stats.active_segments_count" "stats.active_goals_count" "stats.google_analytics" "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" "settings.tracking_script.available_versions" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ProjectsListExpandFields) Items Enum: "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" Specifies the list of fields to be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string"
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "domains": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "include": [
- "global_javascript"
], - "expand": [
- "default_goals"
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "debug_token": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
}, - "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "version": "string",
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "previous_version": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string",
- "status": "pending",
- "ownership_verification": { }
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "id": 0,
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "owner_email": "string",
- "account_id": 0,
- "created_at": 0,
- "modified_at": 0,
- "tracking_snippet": "string",
- "type": "own",
- "stats": {
- "google_analytics": {
- "used_slots": [
- 0
], - "used_dimensions": [
- 0
}, - "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "active_segments_count": 0,
- "segments_count": 0,
- "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiments_count": 0,
- "active_goals_count": 0
}, - "domains": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "sdk_key": "string"
Allows creation of a new project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer |
Update project schema
global_javascript | string or null The global javascript code that will be loaded on all pages where the tracking script is installed, prior do processing any of experiences, goals, audiences etc. |
name | string <= 200 characters Name of the project. |
project_type | string Default: "web" Enum: "web" "fullstack" Value which describes project product type. |
object Project settings used for reporting | |
object General project's settings | |
object This holds project wide settings used by integrations | |
status | string (ProjectStatuses) Enum: "active" "inactive" "suspended" The project's status, one of the following. |
object or null Object representing the custom domain that is used for loading the tracking scripts and sending tracking requests to Convert servers instead of the standard Convert domain | |
object Default: {"production":{"label":"Production","is_default":true}} A user-defined key-value object which describes environments available for the project. The number of environments a user can add depends on their plan, by default only one environment is allowed. | |
Array of integers or SimpleGoal (object) (SimpleGoalExpandable) List of default goals for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleAudience (object) (SimpleAudienceExpandable) List of default audiences for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleLocation (object) (SimpleLocationExpandable) List of default locations for this project | |
Array of integers or DomainToCreate (object) (DomainExpandableRequest) The list of domains included in this project. If a domain ID is provided, that domain will just be updated Otherwise the domain will be created. Caution: Any domain not in the provided list would be deleted from the project | |
include | Array of strings (ProjectsListIncludeField) Items Enum: "global_javascript" "domains" "stats.usage" "stats.active_experiences_count" "stats.active_experiments_count" "stats.experiences_count" "stats.segments_count" "stats.active_segments_count" "stats.active_goals_count" "stats.google_analytics" "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" "settings.tracking_script.available_versions" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ProjectsListExpandFields) Items Enum: "default_goals" "default_audiences" "default_locations" Specifies the list of fields to be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string"
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "domains": [
- 0
], - "include": [
- "global_javascript"
], - "expand": [
- "default_goals"
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "debug_token": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
}, - "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "version": "string",
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "previous_version": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string",
- "status": "pending",
- "ownership_verification": { }
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "id": 0,
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "owner_email": "string",
- "account_id": 0,
- "created_at": 0,
- "modified_at": 0,
- "tracking_snippet": "string",
- "type": "own",
- "stats": {
- "google_analytics": {
- "used_slots": [
- 0
], - "used_dimensions": [
- 0
}, - "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "active_segments_count": 0,
- "segments_count": 0,
- "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiments_count": 0,
- "active_goals_count": 0
}, - "domains": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "sdk_key": "string"
Deletes an existing project from the given account.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Returns the list of last 100 Live Data(tracking events) from the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project for which live data is returned |
Filter Experiences Live Data list by experiences & methods
experiences | Array of integers or null List of experiences ids to get data by |
event_types | Array of strings or null (LiveDataEventTypes) Enum: "view_experience" "conversion" "transaction" |
goals | Array of integers or null <= 20 items List of goals id to get data by |
object or null A list of segments used to filter the report | |
expand | Array of strings or null (LiveDataExpandFields) Enum: "custom_segments" "experiences" "experiences.variation" "conversion.goals" "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "experiences": [
- 0
], - "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "expand": [
- "custom_segments"
{- "data": [
- {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browser": "internet_explorer",
- "country": "st",
- "visitor_type": "new",
- "campaign": "string",
- "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
], - "event_type": "view_experience",
- "experiences": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "variation": 0
], - "conversion": {
- "goals": [
- 0
], - "products_ordered_count": 0,
- "revenue": 0
}, - "project": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
The endpoint allows to update multiple projects at once.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data. |
Projects bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkProjectIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items A list of project Ids to be updated. |
object Project settings to be updated. |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "settings": {
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
This returns a project debug token
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project |
{- "data": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
The endpoint returns all details regarding a specific project in a JSON file
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project |
Fetch Details based on parameters
includeProject | boolean Default: true Determines if project data should be included. |
object (ProjectExportObject) The object that contains the list of experiences, audiences, locations, goals or hypothesis to be included in the export. If not provided, all available items for all entities will be included. | |
object (ProjectExportObject) The object that contains the list of experiences, audiences, locations, goals or hypothesis to be included in the export. If not provided, all available items for all entities will be included. | |
object (ProjectExportObject) The object that contains the list of experiences, audiences, locations, goals or hypothesis to be included in the export. If not provided, all available items for all entities will be included. | |
object (ProjectExportObject) The object that contains the list of experiences, audiences, locations, goals or hypothesis to be included in the export. If not provided, all available items for all entities will be included. | |
object (ProjectExportObject) The object that contains the list of experiences, audiences, locations, goals or hypothesis to be included in the export. If not provided, all available items for all entities will be included. |
{- "includeProject": true,
- "experiences": {
- "include": [
- 0
], - "exclude": [
- 0
}, - "audiences": {
- "include": [
- 0
], - "exclude": [
- 0
}, - "locations": {
- "include": [
- 0
], - "exclude": [
- 0
}, - "goals": {
- "include": [
- 0
], - "exclude": [
- 0
}, - "hypothesis": {
- "include": [
- 0
], - "exclude": [
- 0
{ }
The endpoint imports a project and its associated data into the database.
account_id required | integer ID of the account where the project will be stored. |
Import Details based on data
file required | string <json> The JSON file containing project data to be imported. |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
The endpoint imports project associated data into the database.
account_id required | integer ID of the account where the project is stored. |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which details will be attached. |
Import Details based on data
file required | string <json> The JSON file containing project data to be imported. |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "imported": {
- "experiences": [
- 0
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "hypothesis": [
- 0
Returns a list of SDK keys defined to access project data in the given account
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "sdk_key": "string",
- "sdk_secret": "string",
- "environment": "string"
Creates an SDK key and return it back to the client
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
Create SDK Key schema
name required | string <= 100 characters Name of the Sdk key - used for easier identification in the system |
has_secret | boolean Default: true Whether sdk key has secret to authenticate or make it public without key-secret authentication |
environment required | string Environment where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level |
{- "name": "string",
- "has_secret": true,
- "environment": "string",
- "sdk_secret": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstri"
{- "name": "string",
- "sdk_key": "string",
- "sdk_secret": "string",
- "environment": "string"
Deletes an SDK key
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
sdk_key required | string ID of the SDK key to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Convert Experiences provides a couple different experiences types. A/B, Split URL, Multivariate (MVT), Deploys, A/A and Multi-page (funnel) testing. To learn more, see Six experience types in Convert Experiences.
Get a list of all experiences inside a project, which match the filters provided
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
goal_id | integer or null Goal ID to be used for fetching experience's stats. Only applicable for the experiences that have access to a report. Defaults to primary experience's goal if none given. |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "conversions" "improvement" "name" "start_time" "end_time" "status" "primary_goal" "key" A value used to sort experiences by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against Experience's name and description |
status | Array of strings or null (ExperienceStatuses) Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "completed" "scheduled" "archived" "deleted" The status of the experiences to be returned; either of the below can be provided |
type | Array of strings or null (ExperienceTypes) Enum: "a/b" "a/a" "mvt" "split_url" "multipage" "deploy" "a/b_fullstack" "feature_rollout" The type of the experiences to be returned; either of the below can be provided |
tags | Array of integers or null The list of tag ID's used to filter the list of returned experiences |
audiences | Array of integers or null The list of audience ID's used to filter the list of returned experiences |
goals | Array of integers or null The list of goal ID's used to filter the list of returned experiences |
features | Array of integers or null The list of feature ID's used to filter the list of returned experiences |
hypotheses | Array of integers or null The list of hypotheses ID's used to filter the list of returned experiences |
environments | Array of strings or null The list of environments used to filter the list of returned experiences |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve experiences with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except experiences with the given ids. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "goal_id": 0,
- "sort_by": "id",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "draft"
], - "type": [
- "a/b"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "features": [
- 0
], - "hypotheses": [
- 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "alerts"
], - "expand": [
- "project"
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Get an experience with a given ID from a given project ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
report_token | string Token to access the experience report in read-only mode. |
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Get an experience with a given key from a given project ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_key required | string The key of the experience to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Creates an experience inside a give project ID.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Specifies the list of optional objects which would be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
description | string <= 500 characters The description given by the user for the experience. It could be for instance a memo on what the experience is willing to achieve |
start_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was first started, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't started yet) |
end_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was stopped, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't stopped yet) |
global_js | string Global Experience's JavaScript that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
global_css | string Global Experience's StyleSheet that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
name required | string <= 100 characters Experience's name |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
primary_goal | integer ID of primary goal attached to this experience, all automations on reporting(if available) will be computed based on this goal |
objective | string or null <= 5000 characters Experience's objective |
object (ExperienceSettings) Experience's settings list | |
object or null The set of rules that decide on which pages is the experiment firing, in case locations is not being used; Both Include and exclude can contain same type of rules. Out of all possible rule elements available only the following subset is allowed for Site Area: url, url_with_query,query_string, page_tag_page_type, page_tag_category_id, page_tag_category_name, page_tag_product_sku, page_tag_product_name, page_tag_product_price, page_tag_customer_id, page_tag_v1, page_tag_v2, page_tag_v3, page_tag_v4" | |
status required | string (ExperienceStatuses) Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "completed" "scheduled" "archived" "deleted" |
traffic_distribution | number decimal places <= 2 [ 0 .. 100 ] Traffic distribution percentage |
type required | string (ExperienceTypes) Enum: "a/b" "a/a" "mvt" "split_url" "multipage" "deploy" "a/b_fullstack" "feature_rollout" Describes experience's type. "a/b_fullstack", "feature_rollout" experiences can be created only under fullstack projects type. |
url required | string <uri> <= 2048 characters The URL loaded inside the Visual Editor in order to create changes visually. |
version | number Experience's version number |
Array of ExperienceIntegrationBaidu (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicktale (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicky (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCnzz (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCrazyegg (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEconda (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEulerian (object) or ExperienceIntegrationGoogleAnalytics (any) or ExperienceIntegrationGosquared (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHeapanalytics (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHotjar (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMixpanel (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMouseflow (object) or ExperienceIntegrationPiwik (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSegmentio (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSitecatalyst (object) or ExperienceIntegrationWoopra (object) or ExperienceIntegrationYsance (object) List of integrations that this experience's data is sent to | |
environments | Array of strings Deprecated List of environments where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level |
environment | string The environment where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level. If not set, the project's default environment will be used. |
Array of objects (MultipageExperiencePage) Only for multipage experience type. This is an array of "Pages" on which this experience is gonna apply changes. The change corresponding to each page will be found inside variations[].changes array. Important:
| |
audiences | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateAudiences) The list of audiences IDs for which this experience is supposed to run |
locations | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateLocations) The list of locations IDs on which this experience is supposed to run |
goals | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateGoals) The list of goals connected to this experience; experience of type deploy does not have goals attached. Primary goal can not be deleted, only replaced by another one; |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this experience | |
Array of objects (ExperienceUserCustomizations) <= 100 items The list of user defined variables to customize UI | |
Array of objects (ExperienceVariationCreate) The list of variations of this experience Note: This list is final, any variations not passed in the list which were previously connected to the experience will get deleted |
{- "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string",
- "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "variations": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "type": "defaultCode",
- "data": {
- "css": "string",
- "js": "string",
- "custom_js": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Creates an identical copy of an existing experience identified through experience_id inside a give project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to be cloned |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Specifies the list of optional objects which would be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name | string <= 100 characters The name for the cloned experience |
{- "name": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Updates an existing experience identified by experience ID inside a given project ID.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the updated experience |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "alerts" "goals" "stats" "variations" "variations.changes" "min_running_timestamp" "max_running_timestamp" "audiences" "locations" "collaborators" Specifies the list of optional objects which would be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "audiences" "goals" "locations" "variations" "variations.changes" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
description | string <= 500 characters The description given by the user for the experience. It could be for instance a memo on what the experience is willing to achieve |
start_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was first started, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't started yet) |
end_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was stopped, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't stopped yet) |
global_js | string Global Experience's JavaScript that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
global_css | string Global Experience's StyleSheet that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
name | string <= 100 characters Experience's name |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
primary_goal | integer ID of primary goal attached to this experience, all automations on reporting(if available) will be computed based on this goal |
objective | string or null <= 5000 characters Experience's objective |
object (ExperienceSettings) Experience's settings list | |
object or null The set of rules that decide on which pages is the experiment firing, in case locations is not being used; Both Include and exclude can contain same type of rules. Out of all possible rule elements available only the following subset is allowed for Site Area: url, url_with_query,query_string, page_tag_page_type, page_tag_category_id, page_tag_category_name, page_tag_product_sku, page_tag_product_name, page_tag_product_price, page_tag_customer_id, page_tag_v1, page_tag_v2, page_tag_v3, page_tag_v4" | |
status | string (ExperienceStatuses) Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "completed" "scheduled" "archived" "deleted" |
traffic_distribution | number decimal places <= 2 [ 0 .. 100 ] Traffic distribution percentage |
type | string (ExperienceTypes) Enum: "a/b" "a/a" "mvt" "split_url" "multipage" "deploy" "a/b_fullstack" "feature_rollout" Describes experience's type. "a/b_fullstack", "feature_rollout" experiences can be created only under fullstack projects type. |
url | string <uri> <= 2048 characters The URL loaded inside the Visual Editor in order to create changes visually. |
version | number Experience's version number |
Array of ExperienceIntegrationBaidu (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicktale (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicky (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCnzz (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCrazyegg (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEconda (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEulerian (object) or ExperienceIntegrationGoogleAnalytics (any) or ExperienceIntegrationGosquared (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHeapanalytics (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHotjar (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMixpanel (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMouseflow (object) or ExperienceIntegrationPiwik (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSegmentio (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSitecatalyst (object) or ExperienceIntegrationWoopra (object) or ExperienceIntegrationYsance (object) List of integrations that this experience's data is sent to | |
environments | Array of strings Deprecated List of environments where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level |
environment | string The environment where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level. If not set, the project's default environment will be used. |
Array of objects (MultipageExperiencePage) Only for multipage experience type. This is an array of "Pages" on which this experience is gonna apply changes. The change corresponding to each page will be found inside variations[].changes array. Important:
| |
audiences | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateAudiences) The list of audiences IDs for which this experience is supposed to run |
locations | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateLocations) The list of locations IDs on which this experience is supposed to run |
goals | Array of integers (ExperienceCreateUpdateGoals) The list of goals connected to this experience; experience of type deploy does not have goals attached. Primary goal can not be deleted, only replaced by another one; |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this experience | |
Array of objects (ExperienceUserCustomizations) <= 100 items The list of user defined variables to customize UI | |
Array of objects (ExperienceVariationUpdate) The list of variations of this experience |
{- "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string",
- "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "variations": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped",
- "changes": [
- {
- "id": 0
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Deletes an existing experience from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience to be delete |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Generate, regenerate, or delete a report token for a given experience. This token can be used to access experience reports in a read-only state.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the Experience |
token_action | string Enum: "regenerate" "delete" Action to be taken by the backend in regards to the requested token. If not provided,
backend will return existing token if not expired or will generate a new one and return it.
When |
token_expiration | integer [ 1 .. 48 ] Token expiration in hours. If not provided, when generating a token, a default expiration of 24 hours will be used. |
{- "token_action": "regenerate",
- "token_expiration": 1
{- "id": 0,
- "token": "string",
- "expiration": 0
The Experience Live Data endpoint returns the list of last 100 Live Data events connected to the given experience: views, conversions, revenue;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the experience is stored |
experience_id required | integer ID of the Experience |
Filter Experience Live Data list by methods
event_types | Array of strings or null (LiveDataEventTypes) Enum: "view_experience" "conversion" "transaction" |
goals | Array of integers or null <= 20 items List of goals id to get data by |
object or null A list of segments used to filter the report | |
expand | Array of strings or null (LiveDataExpandFields) Enum: "custom_segments" "experiences" "experiences.variation" "conversion.goals" "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "expand": [
- "custom_segments"
{- "data": [
- {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browser": "internet_explorer",
- "country": "st",
- "visitor_type": "new",
- "campaign": "string",
- "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
], - "event_type": "view_experience",
- "experiences": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "variation": 0
], - "conversion": {
- "goals": [
- 0
], - "products_ordered_count": 0,
- "revenue": 0
}, - "project": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
The Experience History endpoint returns the list of past changes done to the given experience
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the Experience |
Filter Experience history list by methods
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
methods | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryMethods) Enum: "api" "app" |
objects | Array of strings or null (ExperienceHistoryObjects) Enum: "report" "variation" "change" |
sort_by | string or null Default: "timestamp" Enum: "timestamp" "event" "object" A value to sort history list by specific field(s) Defaults to timestamp if not provided |
variations | Array of numbers or null <= 100 items List of variations ids |
changes | Array of numbers or null <= 100 items List of changes ids |
author_id | string or null The id of the author who made changes |
expand | Array of strings or null (ChangeHistoryExpandFields) Value: "project" Specify fields that would be expanded Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "methods": [
- "api"
], - "objects": [
- "report"
], - "sort_by": "timestamp",
- "variations": [
- 0
], - "changes": [
- 0
], - "author_id": "string",
- "expand": [
- "project"
], - "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "page": 1
{- "data": [
- {
- "event": "string",
- "info": {
- "isAdminChange": true,
- "text": "string"
}, - "changes": {
- "old": { },
- "new": { }
}, - "method": "string",
- "object": "string",
- "object_id": "string",
- "user": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "request_id": "string",
- "project": 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Trigger screenshots for the give variations of this experience
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the Experience |
variations | Array of numbers List of variations for which the screenshots are triggered. If omitted, screenshots are gonna be triggered for all experience's variations. |
{- "variations": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk update provided experiences
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Experiences bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkExperienceIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of experiences id to update |
status required | string (BulkExperienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "paused" "archived" |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided experiences
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkExperienceIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of experiences id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Each Experience has one or more Variations which are presented to different groups of visitor in order to monitor the results of different changes or to personalize visitor's experience
Updates an existing experience variation
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the updated experience |
variation_id required | integer The ID of the variation to be updated |
name | string <= 200 characters Variation name |
description | string or null <= 2000 characters Variation description |
is_baseline | boolean Flag indicating whether this variation is the baseline or not |
traffic_distribution | number decimal places <= 2 [ 0 .. 100 ] Traffic distribution percentage, a float between 0 and 100. To use it, all variations should have it, otherwise traffic_distribution will be recalculated |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
status | string (ExperienceVariationStatuses) Enum: "stopped" "running" |
Array of ExperienceChangeId (object) or ExperienceChangeAdd (any) or ExperienceChangeUpdate (any) An array of changes that this variation would apply. Empty array will remove changes. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped",
- "changes": [
- {
- "id": 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped",
- "changes": [
- 0
Deletes an existing experience's variation identified by variation_id that belongs to an experience ID inside a given project ID;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to which the variation belongs |
variation_id required | integer The ID of the variation to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Returns the variation's screenshot image, base64 encoded;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to which the variation belongs |
variation_id required | integer The ID of the variation to be deleted |
size | string Value: "thumb" The size of the returned image, if omitted will return full size |
force_download | boolean Flag used to force download instead of inline response |
{- "data": "string"
Uploads a screenshot image for the variation and eturns the variation's screenshot image, base64 encoded;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to which the variation belongs |
variation_id required | integer The ID of the variation to be deleted |
size | string Value: "thumb" The size of the returned image, if omitted will return full size |
force_download | boolean Flag used to force download instead of inline response |
image required | string <binary> |
{- "data": "string"
Converts an existing experience's variation identified by variation_id to an experience
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience to which the variation belongs |
variation_id required | integer The ID of the variation to be converted |
experience_type | string Enum: "a/b" "deploy" Type of the experience to be converted to |
{- "experience_type": "a/b"
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Get a list of all sections of a multivariate experience
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience of which to return sections list |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
Creates a section inside a given multivariate experience.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the experience where section will be created |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Section's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Name of the section |
required | Array of objects (SectionVersionCreate) Version definition. Each Multivariate experience is made of a list of Sections and a list of Versions Than, variations of a Multivariate experience are made of all possible combinations of versions, takin one from each section. Example: Experience has Section A and Section B. Section A has Version 1 and Version 2, Section B has Version 3 and Version 4 The resulting experience's variations will be the following:
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "type": "defaultCode",
- "data": {
- "css": "string",
- "js": "string",
- "custom_js": "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
Updates an existing experience section identified by section ID & experience ID inside a given project ID. Use it to update Multivariate experience sections.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the given experience |
section_id required | string The ID of the updated section |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Section's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Name of the section |
required | Array of objects (SectionVersionUpdate) Version definition. Each Multivariate experience is made of a list of Sections and a list of Versions Than, variations of a Multivariate experience are made of all possible combinations of versions, takin one from each section. Example: Experience has Section A and Section B. Section A has Version 1 and Version 2, Section B has Version 3 and Version 4 The resulting experience's variations will be the following:
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "id": 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
Use it to update Multivariate experience sections. If some sections or versions won't be in the request, they will be removed from the given experience. Order of sections, versions, changes is also important so it has to be maintained.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the exeprience for which to update sections |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionIncludeFields) Items Enum: "versions" "versions.changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
Array of objects (UpdateSectionRequestData) List of sections to update The passed list of sections is the final one, any section previously connected to this experience, that is not in this list, will be deleted from the experience. Any section passed here that is not available in the current saved experience will be created and connected to the experience. IMPORTANT:
{- "sections": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "id": 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
Convert Experience's Versions provides API to update Versions inside an experience's Section
Adds a version inside an existing experience section identified by section ID & experience ID inside a given project ID.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the given experience |
section_id required | string The ID of the section under which to create the version |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionVersionIncludeFields) Items Value: "changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionVersionExpandFields) Items Value: "changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Version's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Version's name |
Array of ExperienceChangeAdd (any) List of changes to apply. If ID of a change is not provided, the change is gonna be created. Otherwise the change would be updated |
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "type": "defaultCode",
- "data": {
- "css": "string",
- "js": "string",
- "custom_js": "string"
{- "data": {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- 0
], - "variations": [
- 0
Update a version inside an existing experience section, identified by experience ID, section ID, version ID, inside a given project ID.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the given experience |
section_id required | string The ID of the section under which the updated version exists |
version_id required | string The ID of the updated version |
include | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionVersionIncludeFields) Items Value: "changes" Array parameter that would mention extra fields to be included into the response; otherwise those fields would be excluded by default Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
expand | Array of strings (ExperienceSectionVersionExpandFields) Items Value: "changes" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
Updating a given version inside a a give section of an experience
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Version's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Version's name |
Array of ExperienceChangeId (object) or ExperienceChangeUpdate (any) or ExperienceChangeAdd (any) List of changes to apply. If ID of a change is not provided, the change is gonna be created. Empty array will remove changes. Otherwise the change would be updated |
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- {
- "id": 0
{- "data": {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- 0
], - "variations": [
- 0
Delete a version inside an existing experience section, identified by experience ID, section ID, version ID, inside a given project ID.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer The ID of the given experience |
section_id required | string The ID of the section under which the updated version exists |
version_id required | string The ID of the updated version |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Each Experience's Variation has one or more Changes; a change represent the actual modification that is applied to a visitor. It can be a piece of javascript or CSS code for web experiences or it can be a string value for example in case of a fullstack experience.
Returns an experience change including the data that the respective change holds
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
change_id required | integer ID of the experience change to get/update |
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "richStructure",
- "data": {
- "js": "string",
- "selector": "string",
- "page_id": "string",
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Update an experience change and returns its data
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
change_id required | integer ID of the experience change to get/update |
type required | string |
required | object This contains all data of this change, any code, settings etc This is sent by default in the following requests responses: getExperienceChange; All other responses that return this field, will only return it if "include" request parameter contains its name Data object structure will correspond to the "type" field |
{- "type": "defaultCode",
- "data": {
- "css": "string",
- "js": "string",
- "custom_js": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "richStructure",
- "data": {
- "js": "string",
- "selector": "string",
- "page_id": "string",
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Returns per experience report settings
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
report_token | string Token to access the experience report in read-only mode. |
{- "data": {
- "campaigns": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "visitors_count": 0
], - "custom_segments": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Returns the full aggregated report for the given experience; data for all the goals connected to that experience will be returned
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
report_token | string Token to access the experience report in read-only mode. |
goals | Array of integers A list of goal Id's for which to return the reporting data. If no ID is provided, the list of goals attached to the experience is being used; |
metrics | Array of strings (MetricTypes) Items Enum: "conversion_rate" "avg_revenue_visitor" "avg_products_ordered_visitor" The list of metrics to return. If not provided, all available metrics will be returned. |
start_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
object (ReportingSegmentsFilters) A list of segments used to filter the report | |
any (SE_ProcSettings) Stats Engine Processing settings |
{- "goals": [
- 0
], - "metrics": [
- "conversion_rate"
], - "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
{- "data": {
- "stats_methodology": "frequentist",
- "variations_data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped"
], - "reportData": [
- {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "srm": true,
- "srm_pvalue": 0,
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "visitors": 0,
- "conversion_data": {
- "conversions": 0,
- "conversion_rate": 0,
- "conversion_rate_change": 0,
- "conversion_rate_interval": 0,
- "confidence": 0,
- "statistically_significant": true
}, - "revenue_data": {
- "revenue_per_visitor": 0,
- "total_revenue": 0,
- "revenue_per_visitor_interval": 0,
- "confidence": 0,
- "revenue_per_visitor_change": 0,
- "statistically_significant": true
}, - "products_data": {
- "products_per_visitor": 0,
- "total_products": 0,
- "products_per_visitor_interval": 0,
- "confidence": 0,
- "products_per_visitor_change": 0,
- "statistically_significant": true
}, - "metrics": [
- {
- "metric_type": "conversion_rate",
- "metric_total": 0,
- "metric_value": 0,
- "metric_change": 0,
- "metric_interval": 0,
- "confidence": 0,
- "statistically_significant": true,
- "estimated_progress": 0,
- "remaining_samples": 0,
- "normality_conditions_met": true,
- "observed_power": 0,
- "powerful": true,
- "done": true,
- "srm": true,
- "srm_pvalue": 0
Returns the full daily report for the given experience
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
report_token | string Token to access the experience report in read-only mode. |
goal | number Goal's ID for which to return the reporting data |
report_type | string (DailyReportTypes) Enum: "cumulative" "non_cumulative" Type of the report to be returned. |
metric | string (DailyReportMetrics) Enum: "conversion_rate" "avg_revenue_per_visitor" "avg_products_ordered_per_visitor" Metric used to calculate the report |
object A list of segments used to filter the report | |
start_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
any (SE_ProcSettings) Stats Engine Processing settings |
{- "goal": 0,
- "report_type": "cumulative",
- "metric": "conversion_rate",
- "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
{- "data": {
- "variations_data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped"
], - "reportData": {
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "stats": [
- {
- "timestamp": 0,
- "value": 0,
- "totals": 0,
- "visitors": 0
], - "extra": [
- {
- "type": "total_visitors",
- "stats": [
- {
- "timestamp": 0,
- "value": 0
Reset Experience's report
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Generates an export for the the report of the given experience and returns back a link where the export can be downloaded from.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
report_type | string Default: "csv_aggregated" Enum: "csv_aggregated" "csv_daily" Type of the exported report:
data_type | string Default: "non_cumulative" Enum: "cumulative" "non_cumulative" Type of data the exported report (csv_daily only) |
goals | Array of integers A list of goal Id's for which to return the reporting data. If no ID is provided, the list of goals attached to the experience is being used. Max 10 goals at one time available for csv_daily type. |
start_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
object (ReportingSegmentsFilters) A list of segments used to filter the report | |
any (SE_ProcSettings) Stats Engine Processing settings |
{- "report_type": "csv_aggregated",
- "data_type": "cumulative",
- "goals": [
- 0
], - "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
{- "data": {
- "download_url": "string",
- "expire_at": 0
Generates an export of raw tracking data of the given experience and returns back a link where the export can be downloaded from.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
events | Array of strings (ExportExperienceRawDataEvents) Items Enum: "view_experience" "conversion" "transaction" List of events to export |
goals | Array of integers A list of goal Id's for which to return the tracking data. If no ID is provided, the list of goals attached to the experience is being used. |
start_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
object (ReportingSegmentsFilters) A list of segments used to filter the report | |
any (SE_ProcSettings) Stats Engine Processing settings |
{- "events": [
- "view_experience"
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
{- "data": {
- "jobId": "string"
Removes experience's report data by the given parameters.
If the simulate
parameter is set to true
, the API will return the count of objects that would be deleted without actually performing the deletion.
When simulate
is set to false
, the specified data will be permanently removed.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
experience_id required | integer ID of the experience |
start_time required | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time required | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
object (ReportingSegmentsFilters) A list of segments used to filter the report | |
any (SE_ProcSettings) Stats Engine Processing settings | |
Array of RemoveExperienceReportEventTypeViewExperience (object) or RemoveExperienceReportEventTypeConversion (object) or RemoveExperienceReportEventTypeTransaction (object) non-empty List of the events that would be targeted by the delete operation. If not provided, all the events would be targeted. | |
simulate | boolean Default: true When simulate - true is passed, it will only return back an object with the numbers of how many records will be deleted, instead of deleting any records |
{- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "events": [
- {
- "type": "view_experience"
], - "simulate": true
{- "data": [
- {
- "event": "view_experience",
- "count": 0
Goals measure how well your site fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business. Examples of goals include making a purchase (for an ecommerce site), completing a game level (for a mobile gaming site), or submitting a contact information form (for a marketing or lead generation site). Read more information about Goals.
The Goals endpoint returns the list of all Goals stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
status | Array of strings or null (GoalStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of goal statuses to be returned |
is_default | boolean or null A value that would be used to filter by default or not default goals. if not provided, all goals will be returned |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against Goal's name and description |
tracking | string or null Enum: "tracked" "not_tracked" null A value that would be used to filter by tracked or not tracked goals |
usage | string or null Enum: "used" "not_used" null A value that would be used to filter by using in at least one experiment |
goal_type | Array of strings or null (GoalTypes) Enum: "advanced" "visits_page" "revenue" "clicks_link" "submits_form" "clicks_element" "dom_interaction" "scroll_percentage" "ga_import" "code_trigger" List of goal types to be returned |
experiences | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of experiences to be returned |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "goal_tracking_status" "name" "times_used" "type" "key" "status" A value to sort audiences by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (GoalOptionalFields) Items Enum: "triggering_rule" "stats" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. |
only | Array of integers or null <= 200 items Only retrieve goals with the given ids. Including 'stats' reduces the maximum number of 'only' items to 50. |
except | Array of integers <= 200 items Except goals with the given ids. Including 'stats' reduces the maximum number of 'except' items to 50. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "is_default": true,
- "search": "string",
- "tracking": "tracked",
- "usage": "used",
- "goal_type": [
- "advanced"
], - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "triggering_rule"
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": null,
- "value": null,
- "matching": null
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "dom_interaction",
- "settings": {
- "tracked_items": [
- {
- "selector": "string",
- "event": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a goal by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
goal_id required | integer ID of the goal to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (GoalOptionalFields) Items Enum: "triggering_rule" "stats" Specifies the list of optional fields which would be included in the response. Otherwise, the fields that can be passed through this parameter would not be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
Returns a goal by Key
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
goal_key required | string Key of the goal to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (GoalOptionalFields) Items Enum: "triggering_rule" "stats" Specifies the list of optional fields which would be included in the response. Otherwise, the fields that can be passed through this parameter would not be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
Creates a new goal into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the goal is to be stored |
Goal request object to create goal data.
name required | string <= 100 characters A name given to the goal to identify it easily |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
description | string <= 500 characters A given description for the goal to easily identify it later |
required | object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this goal is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
status | string (GoalStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible goal statuses |
type required | any |
{- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "dom_interaction",
- "settings": {
- "tracked_items": [
- {
- "selector": "string",
- "event": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
Updates an existing Goal stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
goal_id required | integer ID of the goal to be updated |
Goal request object to update goal data.
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the goal to identify it easily |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
description | string <= 500 characters A given description for the goal to easily identify it later |
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc | |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this goal is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
status | string (GoalStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible goal statuses |
type | any |
{- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "dom_interaction",
- "settings": {
- "tracked_items": [
- {
- "selector": "string",
- "event": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
Deletes an existing goal from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
goal_id required | integer ID of the goal to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk update provided Goals
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Goals bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkGoalsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of goals id to update |
status required | string (GoalStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible goal statuses |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided Goals
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkGoalsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of goals id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Creates an identical copy of an existing goal identified through goal_id inside a give project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
goal_id required | integer ID of the goal to be deleted |
include | Array of strings (GoalOptionalFields) Items Enum: "triggering_rule" "stats" Specifies the list of optional fields which would be included in the response. Otherwise, the fields that can be passed through this parameter would not be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
A hypothesis is an assumption that a proposed change in your website would lead to visitors taking the action that you want them to. Read more information about Hypotheses.
The Hypotheses endpoint returns the list of all hypotheses stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "name" "score" "start_date" "status" A value to sort hypotheses by specific field(s) Defaults to id if not provided |
scoreMax | integer or null Default: 5 Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 The maximum score for hypotheses which you would like to retrieve |
scoreMin | integer or null Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 The minimum score for hypotheses which you would like to retrieve |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against hypotheses's name or description |
status | Array of strings or null (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" The status of the hypotheses you'd like to be returned; one of the below can be provided |
experiences | Array of integers or null The list of experience ID's used to filter the list of returned hypotheses |
tags | Array of integers or null The list of tag ID's used to filter the list of returned hypotheses |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve hypotheses with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except hypotheses with the given ids. |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
expand | Array of strings (HypothesesListExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "id",
- "scoreMax": 0,
- "scoreMin": 0,
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "applied"
], - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "page": 1,
- "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a hypothesis by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the hypothesis is stored |
hypothesis_id required | integer ID of the hypothesis to be retrieve |
expand | Array of strings (HypothesisExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" "experiences" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
Creates a new Hypothesis into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the hypothesis is to be stored |
expand | Array of strings (HypothesisExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" "experiences" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name required | string <= 100 characters A name given to the hypothesis to identify it easily |
url | string or null <= 2048 characters Url reference for the hypothesis |
objective | string <= 5000 characters A given description for the hypothesis to easily identify it later |
status required | string (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" Hypothesis status |
start_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be a past date when you or your colleagues actually came up to this hypothesis |
end_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be the date when you expect that the hypothesis is turned into an experience |
summary | string <= 500 characters Summary of your hypothesis |
created_at | integer The timestamp when hypothesis was created, in UTC time |
prioritization_score_type required | string A given description of prioritizing model |
required | object (PIE_Attributes) Attributes according to selected prioritization score type |
experiences | Array of integers (HypothesisCreateUpdateExperiences) <= 100 items The list of experiences IDs for which this hypothesis is supposed to run |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) or null (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this hypothesis |
{- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
Updates an existing Hypothesis stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the hypothesis is to be updated |
hypothesis_id required | integer ID of the hypothesis to be updated |
expand | Array of strings (HypothesisExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" "experiences" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the hypothesis to identify it easily |
url | string or null <= 2048 characters Url reference for the hypothesis |
objective | string <= 5000 characters A given description for the hypothesis to easily identify it later |
status | string (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" Hypothesis status |
start_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be a past date when you or your colleagues actually came up to this hypothesis |
end_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be the date when you expect that the hypothesis is turned into an experience |
summary | string <= 500 characters Summary of your hypothesis |
created_at | integer The timestamp when hypothesis was created, in UTC time |
prioritization_score_type | string A given description of prioritizing model |
object (PIE_Attributes) Attributes according to selected prioritization score type | |
experiences | Array of integers (HypothesisCreateUpdateExperiences) <= 100 items The list of experiences IDs for which this hypothesis is supposed to run |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) or null (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this hypothesis |
{- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
Updates an existing Hypothesis's status stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the hypothesis is stored |
hypothesis_id required | integer ID of the hypothesis to be updated |
expand | Array of strings (HypothesisExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" "experiences" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
status | string (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" Hypothesis status |
{- "status": "applied"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
Convert an existing Hypothesis stored into the project given as parameter into new Knowledge Base
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the hypothesis is going to be converted |
hypothesis_id required | integer ID of the hypothesis to be converted |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
Deletes an existing hypothesis from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project from which the hypothesis is to be deleted |
hypothesis_id required | integer ID of the hypothesis to be deleted |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
Bulk update provided hypotheses
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Hypotheses bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkHypothesisIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of hypotheses id to update |
status required | string (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" Hypothesis status |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "applied"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided hypotheses
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkHypothesisIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of hypotheses id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
The Knowledge Bases endpoint returns the list of all knowledge bases stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
sort_by | string or null Default: "name" Enum: "name" "updated_at" "status" A value to sort knowledge bases by specific field(s) Defaults to name if not provided |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against knowledge bases name |
status | Array of strings or null (KnowledgeBaseStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" The status of the knowledge bases you'd like to be returned; one of the below can be provided |
tags | Array of integers or null The list of tag ID's used to filter the list of returned knowledge bases |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve knowledge bases with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except knowledge bases with the given ids. |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
expand | Array of strings (KnowledgeBasesExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "name",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "page": 1,
- "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a knowledge base by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the knowledge base is stored |
knowledge_base_id required | integer ID of the knowledge base to be retrieve |
expand | Array of strings (KnowledgeBasesExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
Creates a new Knowledge Base.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the knowledge base is to be stored |
expand | Array of strings (KnowledgeBasesExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name required | string <= 100 characters A name given to the knowledge base to identify it easily |
status | string (KnowledgeBaseStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Knowledge base status |
summary | string <= 500 characters Summary of your knowledge base |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) or null (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this observation |
{- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "tags": [
- 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
Updates an existing Knowledge Base status stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the knowledge base is to be updated |
knowledge_base_id required | integer ID of the knowledge base to be updated |
expand | Array of strings (KnowledgeBasesExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
status | string (KnowledgeBaseStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Knowledge base status |
{- "status": "active"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
Deletes an existing knowledge base from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project from which the knowledge base is to be deleted |
knowledge_base_id required | integer ID of the knowledge base to be deleted |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
Bulk update provided knowledge bases
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Knowledge Bases bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkKnowledgeBaseIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of knowledge base id to update |
status required | string (KnowledgeBaseStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Knowledge base status |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided knowledge bases
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkKnowledgeBaseIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of knowledge base id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
The Observations endpoint returns the list of all observations stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
sort_by | string or null Default: "name" Enum: "name" "created_by" "date_added" "status" A value to sort observations by specific field(s) Defaults to name if not provided |
search | string or null <= 200 characters A search string that would be used to search against observation's name or description |
status | Array of strings or null (ObservationStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" The status of the observations you'd like to be returned; one of the below can be provided |
tags | Array of integers or null The list of tag ID's used to filter the list of returned observations |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve observations with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except observations with the given ids. |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
expand | Array of strings (ObservationsExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "name",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "page": 1,
- "expand": [
- "project"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a observation by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the observation is stored |
observation_id required | integer ID of the observation to be retrieve |
expand | Array of strings (ObservationsExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of fields which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
Creates a new Observation into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the observation is to be stored |
expand | Array of strings (ObservationsExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name required | string <= 100 characters A name given to the observation to identify it easily |
description | string <= 5000 characters This is more details that want to be added besides the name of the observation. E.g. The Observation Name can be "How to fry an egg" and the description can be the recipe. |
status | string (ObservationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Observation status |
url | string <= 2048 characters Url reference for the observation. |
Array of objects or null (ObservationImage) <= 3 items This is the document that is used as a visual representation of the observe feature | |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) or null (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this observation |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
Updates an existing Observation stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the observation is to be updated |
observation_id required | integer ID of the observation to be updated |
expand | Array of strings (ObservationsExpandFields) Items Enum: "project" "tags" Specifies the list of objects which would be expanded in the response. Otherwise, only their id would be returned. Read more in the section related to Expanding Fields |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the observation to identify it easily |
description | string <= 5000 characters This is more details that want to be added besides the name of the observation. E.g. The Observation Name can be "How to fry an egg" and the description can be the recipe. |
status | string (ObservationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Observation status |
url | string <= 2048 characters Url reference for the observation. |
Array of objects or null (ObservationImage) <= 3 items This is the document that is used as a visual representation of the observe feature | |
Array of integers or TagToCreate (object) or null (TagExpandableRequest) The list of tags connected to this observation |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
Deletes an existing observation from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project from which the observation is to be deleted |
observation_id required | integer ID of the observation to be deleted |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
Bulk update provided observations
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Observations bulk update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkObservationIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of observations id to update |
status required | string (ObservationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Observation status |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided observations
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkObservationIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of observations id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
The locations endpoint returns the list of all locations stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
status | Array of strings or null (LocationStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of Location statuses to be returned |
is_default | boolean or null It indicates wherever retrieved locations are default or not If not provided, it will return all locations. If not provided, it will return all locations |
search | string or null <= 200 characters a search string that would be used to search against Location's name or description |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "name" "usage" "status" "key" A value to sort Location by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
usage | string or null Enum: "used" "not_used" null It indicates wherever retrieved locations are used or not inside experiences |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (LocationIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "trigger" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve location with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except locations with the given ids. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "is_default": true,
- "search": "string",
- "sort_by": "id",
- "usage": "used",
- "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "rules"
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": null,
- "value": null,
- "matching": null
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a Location by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the Location is stored |
location_id required | integer ID of the Location to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (LocationIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "trigger" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
Creates a new location into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the location is to be stored |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the location in order to easily identify it |
status | string (LocationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible location statuses |
name required | string <= 100 characters a name given to the location in order to easily identify it |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this location is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
required | object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for matching locations |
any (LocationTrigger) This one describes a logical triggering rule that is being used inside the app |
{- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "selected_default": true,
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
Updates an existing location stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the location is stored |
location_id required | integer ID of the location to be updated |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the location in order to easily identify it |
status | string (LocationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible location statuses |
name | string <= 100 characters a name given to the location in order to easily identify it |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this location is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for matching locations | |
any (LocationTrigger) This one describes a logical triggering rule that is being used inside the app |
{- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "selected_default": true,
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
Deletes an existing location from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
location_id required | integer ID of the location to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk update provided Locations
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Locations update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkLocationsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of locations id to update |
status required | string (LocationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible location statuses |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided locations
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkLocationsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of locations id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Returns the list of locations presets
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": null,
- "value": null,
- "matching": null
Creates an identical copy of an existing location identified through location_id inside a give project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
location_id required | integer ID of the location to be deleted |
include | Array of strings (LocationIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "trigger" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
Audiences let you segment your users in the ways that are important to your business. You can segment by event (e.g., session_start or level_up) and by user property (e.g., Browser/OS, Geo, Language), and combine events, parameters, and properties to include practically any subset of users. Read more information about Audiences.
The audiences endpoint returns the list of all audiences stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
status | Array of strings or null (AudienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of audience statuses to be returned |
search | string or null <= 200 characters a search string that would be used to search against audience's name or description |
is_default | boolean or null A flag to filter audiences by default status If set to true, only default audiences will be returned, if not set, all audiences will be returned |
sort_by | string or null Default: "id" Enum: "id" "type" "name" "usage" "status" "key" A value to sort audiences by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
type | string or null Enum: "segmentation" "permanent" "transient" |
experiences | Array of integers or null <= 100 items List of experiences to be returned |
usage | string or null Enum: "used" "not_used" null It indicates wherever retrieved audiences are used or not inside experiences |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (AudienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve audiences with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except audiences with the given ids. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "search": "string",
- "is_default": true,
- "sort_by": "id",
- "type": "segmentation",
- "experiences": [
- 0
], - "usage": "used",
- "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "rules"
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": null,
- "value": null,
- "matching": null
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns an audience by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the audience is stored |
audience_id required | integer ID of the audience to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (AudienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
Creates a new audience into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the audience is to be stored |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
status | string (AudienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible audience statuses |
name required | string <= 100 characters a name given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this audience is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
type required | string (AudienceTypesNoUrl) Type of the Audience. Can be one of the following:
required | object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc |
{- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "selected_default": true,
- "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
Updates an existing audience stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the audience is stored |
audience_id required | integer ID of the audience to be updated |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
status | string (AudienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible audience statuses |
name | string <= 100 characters a name given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this audience is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
type | string (AudienceTypesNoUrl) Type of the Audience. Can be one of the following:
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc |
{- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "selected_default": true,
- "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
Deletes an existing audience from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
audience_id required | integer ID of the audience to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk update provided Audiences
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Audiences update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkAudiencesIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of audiences id to update |
status required | string (AudienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible audience statuses |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided Audiences
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkAudiencesIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of audiences id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Returns the list of audiences presets
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": null,
- "value": null,
- "matching": null
Creates an identical copy of an existing audience identified through audience_id inside a give project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
audience_id required | integer ID of the audience to be deleted |
include | Array of strings (AudienceIncludeFields) Items Enum: "rules" "stats.experiences_usage" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
The endpoint returns the list of all Domains stored under the given project
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Filter domains list.
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve domains with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except domains with the given ids. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "page": 1,
- "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a domain by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is stored |
domain_id required | integer ID of the domain to be retrieved |
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
Returns a domain by url
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is stored |
Get one domain by URL
url | string <= 255 characters URL by which to search the domain. The match can be an exact one or an wildcard one. |
{- "url": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
Checks if the tracking code is installed on the given URL and returns the domain given as parameter, with the tracking_code updated. If the given url is not part of the provided domain (via the parameters domain_id), an error will be returned
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is stored |
domain_id required | integer ID of the domain to which the given URL belongs. An error would be returned if the URL is not under this domain. |
Check if tracking code is installed on the given URL
url | string <= 255 characters URL on which to check the tracking code installed. The given URL needs to be under the domain passes as parameter or otherwise an error would be returned. |
{- "url": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
Creates a new Domains into the project give as parameter
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is to be stored |
url required | string <= 150 characters ^(http|https):// Domain's homepage url |
code_installed | boolean Default: false Indicating whether code installed check passed sometimes in the past. |
{- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
Updates an existing Domain stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is to be stored |
domain_id required | integer ID of the domain to be updated |
url | string <= 150 characters ^(http|https):// Domain's homepage url |
code_installed | boolean Default: false Indicating whether code installed check passed sometimes in the past. |
{- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
Deletes an existing domain from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the domain is to be stored |
domain_id required | integer ID of the domain to be delete |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided Domains
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkDomainsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of domains id to delete |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
This returns a list of images uploaded for the given project
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
Some settings that control the images list size and contents
start_from | string Image file name to start reading from. The list of images is read from repository starting from the provided image onwards. |
max_results | integer or null [ 0 .. 100 ] Default: 50 The number of maximum images that would be returned in the result |
{- "start_from": "string",
- "max_results": 50
{- "data": [
- {
- "cdn_url": "string",
- "key": "string"
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
image_name required | string <= 200 characters The name of the image, under which it would get stored, including extension |
image required | string <binary> Maximum image size is 5MB |
{- "cdn_url": "string",
- "key": "string"
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
image_key required | string The key of the image file to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
The endpoint returns the list of all Tags stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Filter Tags list.
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve tags with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except tags with the given ids. |
search | string or null <= 100 characters A search string that would be used to search against Tag's name |
{- "results_per_page": 30,
- "page": 1,
- "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "search": "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a tag by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the tag is stored |
tag_id required | integer ID of the tag to be retrieve |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
Creates a new Tags into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the tag is to be stored |
name required | string <= 100 characters Name of the tag. |
description | string <= 200 characters More detailed description of the tag. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
Updates an existing Tag stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the tag is to be stored |
tag_id required | integer ID of the tag to be updated |
name | string <= 100 characters Name of the tag. |
description | string <= 200 characters More detailed description of the tag. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
Deletes an existing tag from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project from which the tag is to be deleted |
tag_id required | integer ID of the tag to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided Tags
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkTagsIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of tags id to delete |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
The features endpoint returns the list of all features stored under the given project;
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
onlyCount | boolean When provided in requests that allow it, the response would only contain count of records and no real records' data |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
sort_direction | string or null Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Data sorting direction using "sort_by" field. "asc" for ascending direction, "desc" for descending direction Defaults to desc when not sent in a request |
search | string or null <= 100 characters A search string that would be used to search against Feature's id, name, key and description |
only | Array of integers or null <= 100 items Only retrieve features with the given ids. |
except | Array of integers <= 100 items Except features with the given ids. |
sort_by | string or null Enum: "id" "name" "key" "status" A value to sort features by specific field Defaults to id if not provided |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
include | Array of strings (FeatureOptionalFields) Items Value: "stats" Specifies the list of fields to be included in the response, which otherwise would not be sent. |
{- "onlyCount": true,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "search": "string",
- "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "page": 1,
- "include": [
- "stats"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Returns a feature by ID
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
feature_id required | integer ID of the feature to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (FeatureOptionalFields) Items Value: "stats" Specifies the list of optional fields which would be included in the response. Otherwise, the fields that can be passed through this parameter would not be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
Returns a feature by key
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
feature_key required | string Key of the feature to be retrieved |
include | Array of strings (FeatureOptionalFields) Items Value: "stats" Specifies the list of optional fields which would be included in the response. Otherwise, the fields that can be passed through this parameter would not be included in the response. Read more in the section related to Optional Fields |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
Creates a new feature into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project into which the feature is to be stored |
name required | string <= 100 characters A name given to the feature to identify it easily |
status | string (FeatureStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible feature statuses |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified |
description | string <= 200 characters A given description for the feature to easily identify it later |
required | Array of any (FeatureVariable) An array of user-defined variables of a feature. |
{- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
Updates an existing feature stored into the project given as parameter.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
feature_id required | integer ID of the feature to be updated |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the feature to identify it easily |
status | string (FeatureStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible feature statuses |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified |
description | string <= 200 characters A given description for the feature to easily identify it later |
Array of any (FeatureVariable) An array of user-defined variables of a feature. |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
Deletes an existing feature from the given project.
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
feature_id required | integer ID of the feature to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk update provided Features
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
Features update schema.
id required | Array of integers (BulkFeaturesIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of features id to update |
status required | string (FeatureStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible feature statuses |
{- "id": [
- 0
], - "status": "active"
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Bulk delete provided Features
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to which save/retrieved data is connected |
id required | Array of integers (BulkFeaturesIds) [ 1 .. 100 ] items The list of features id to update |
{- "id": [
- 0
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "errors": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "message": "string"
Returns a list of recorded sessions for the given filters
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
start_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should start, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
end_time | number or null Unix timestamp when reporting period should end, provided in the given utc_time_offset |
utc_offset | integer (UTC_Offset) [ -43200 .. 50400 ] Default: 0 Offset in seconds, from UTC time, for the give timezone |
page | integer >= 1 Describes the page number of the fetched results. "results_per_page" results are gonna be returned for each page Defaults to 1 when not sent |
results_per_page | integer or null [ 0 .. 50 ] Default: 30 A value that would be used for setting the number of records that would be returned per page. Defaults to 30 when not sent |
object | |
location_id | integer The ID of the location to filter by |
starred | string |
watched | string |
object | |
object | |
object | |
object | |
containsPage | string |
notContainsPage | string |
object | |
object | |
entryPage | string |
exitPage | string |
referrerURLs | Array of strings |
trafficChannels | Array of strings |
adCampaignLabels | Array of strings |
recordingId | string |
{- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "page": 1,
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "experience": {
- "id": 0,
- "variation_id": 0
}, - "location_id": 0,
- "starred": "string",
- "watched": "string",
- "country": {
- "is": [
- "string"
], - "isNot": [
- "string"
}, - "os": {
- "is": [
- "string"
], - "isNot": [
- "string"
}, - "browser": {
- "is": [
- "string"
], - "isNot": [
- "string"
}, - "devices": {
- "is": [
- "string"
], - "isNot": [
- "string"
}, - "containsPage": "string",
- "notContainsPage": "string",
- "durations": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0
}, - "pageCount": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0
}, - "entryPage": "string",
- "exitPage": "string",
- "referrerURLs": [
- "string"
], - "trafficChannels": [
- "string"
], - "adCampaignLabels": [
- "string"
], - "recordingId": "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "duration": 0,
- "visited_pages": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "duration": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
], - "visited_pages_count": 0,
- "entry_page": "string",
- "exit_page": "string",
- "session_start_time": 0,
- "device": "string",
- "browser": "string",
- "country_code": "string"
], - "extra": {
- "tk": "string",
- "pagination": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "items_count": 0,
- "items_per_page": 0,
- "pages_count": 0
Deletes a signal session
account_id required | integer ID of the account that owns the retrieved/saved data |
project_id required | integer ID of the project to be retrieved |
signal_session_id required | string ID of the signal session to be deleted |
{- "code": 0,
- "message": "string"
This object represents details of a tenant in Convert SAAS app.
id | integer Account ID |
accountType | string Type of the account. Main accounts can create sub-accounts. All the billing quotas of the parent account will be the max sum that child accounts can get. For example, if the parent account has 20M Tested Users included, and this has two sub-accounts, the sum of the two sub-accounts quotas of tested visitors cannot be more than 20M Tested Users. |
name | string <= 200 characters Account friendly name |
accessRole | string Enum: "owner" "account_manager" "admin" "browse" "edit" "publish" "review" The access role with which the user can execute operations connected to this account |
access_all_projects | boolean Flag indicating whether the user has access to all projects. |
object Various Account level settings that can be controlled by the user | |
object Billing related data and settings | |
object (BillingPlanLimitsAndCapabilities) | |
object or null General usage stats for the account. Optional field, controlled using include fields |
{- "id": null,
- "accountType": "main",
- "name": "string",
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "access_all_projects": true,
- "settings": {
- "blocked_ips": {
- "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
], - "single": [
- "string"
}, - "setup_plan": {
- "settings": {
- "initiator": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "consumer": {
- "user_id": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "remind_in": 0
}, - "tracking_script": {
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "single_sign_on_status": "disabled"
}, - "billing": {
- "id": "string",
- "details": {
- "isPausedByQuota": true,
- "nextBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "currentBillingCycleStart": 0,
- "pending_cancellation": false,
- "cancellation_request_timestamp": 0,
- "billingType": "paid",
- "company": "string",
- "tax_code": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "address_street": "string",
- "address_city": "string",
- "address_zip": "string",
- "address_state": "string",
- "address_country": "string",
- "emails": [
- "string"
}, - "settings": {
- "overQuota_charges": true,
- "subscription_paused_until": 0
}, - "card": {
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "time_added": 0,
- "last_digits": 0
}, - "products": {
- "experiences": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploy": {
- "plan": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "billingCycleDuration": "string",
- "contract": "pay_as_you_go",
- "product": "experiences",
- "availableFeaturesIds": [
- 1
], - "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "limitsAndCapabilities": {
- "usage_limit_by": "testedUsers",
- "availableFeaturesNiceNames": [
- "advanced_segmentation"
], - "usageLimits": {
- "domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "goals": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "deploys": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "projects": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "environments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "segments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "experiments": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "custom_domains": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "pageViews": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedVisitors": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "testedUsers": {
- "limitValue": 0,
- "overLimitCostPerUnit": 0,
- "unitSize": 0
}, - "stats": {
- "active_projects_count": 0,
- "active_domains_count": 0,
- "active_deploys_count": 0,
- "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "subAccounts_usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
This is the access role that defines the permissions one user has over accounts/projects.
name | string |
object (RolePermissions) |
{- "name": "string",
- "permissions": {
- "account": {
- "manage_addons": true,
- "manage_sso": true,
- "manage_api_keys": true,
- "manage_blocked_ips": true,
- "edit": true
}, - "billing": {
- "managePlan": true,
- "manage_billing": true,
- "manage_payment": true,
- "request_payment": true
}, - "feature": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "livedata": {
- "view_account_livedata": true,
- "view_project_livedata": true,
- "view_experience_livedata": true
}, - "history": {
- "view_account_history": true
}, - "collaborator": {
- "view": true,
- "crud": true
}, - "project": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true,
- "import": true,
- "export": true
}, - "domain": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "tag": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "goal": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "experience": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true,
- "edit_running": true,
- "clone": true,
- "pauseplay": true
}, - "location": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true,
- "edit_running": true
}, - "variation": {
- "pauseplay": true,
- "changebaseline": true
}, - "audience": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true,
- "edit_running": { }
}, - "report": {
- "view": true,
- "fulledit": true,
- "nochangeedit": true
}, - "hypothesis": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "knowledge_base": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
}, - "observation": {
- "add": true,
- "edit": true,
- "view": true,
- "delete": true
This object represents an user that exists in the system and which can do operations over data.
object | |
object (UserPreferences) Various user's preferences | |
isSudo | boolean Flag indicating whether the user operates in "sudo" mode or not |
mfa_backup_codes | Array of arrays Not implemented. List of backup codes that can be used to restore access in case of a lost device. This field is being send only in response to an enable MFA call (calling updateUserProfileData() and providing mfa parameter with subfield type=enable) |
{- "profileData": {
- "email": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "login_provider": "convert",
- "user_id": "string",
- "intercom_hash": "string",
- "elevio_hash": "string",
- "canSudo": true,
- "onlyCollaborator": true,
- "persona": "string",
- "techPerson": true
}, - "preferences": {
- "editorSettings": {
- "codeOpen": false,
- "codeBoxId": "variationCode",
- "codeEditorMaximized": false,
- "codeEditorHeight": 300,
- "codeLinterOn": false
}, - "displaySettings": {
- "accountExperiencesList": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "projects": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "search": "string",
- "type": [
- "a/b"
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "accountLiveDataList": {
- "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "projects": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "expand": [
- "custom_segments"
], - "auto_refresh": {
- "speed": 5,
- "enabled": true
}, - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "time"
}, - "accountHistoryList": {
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "methods": [
- "api"
], - "projects": [
- 0
], - "objects": [
- "account"
], - "sort_by": "timestamp",
- "expand": [
- "project"
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "timestamp"
}, - "projectsList": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "search": "string",
- "legacy_script": true,
- "tracking_script_release_type": [
- "manual"
], - "tracking_script_version": {
- "is": "string",
- "isNot": "string"
}, - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "project_type": [
- "web"
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "id"
}, - "projectExperiences": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "goal_id": 0,
- "sort_by": "id",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "draft"
], - "type": [
- "a/b"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "features": [
- 0
], - "hypotheses": [
- 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "projectHypotheses": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "id",
- "scoreMax": 0,
- "scoreMin": 0,
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "applied"
], - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "id"
}, - "projectKnowledgeBases": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "name",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "projectObservations": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "sort_by": "name",
- "search": "string",
- "status": [
- "active"
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- 0
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- 0
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- 0
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- {
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- "name": "name"
}, - "projectGoals": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "is_default": true,
- "search": "string",
- "tracking": "tracked",
- "usage": "used",
- "goal_type": [
- "advanced"
], - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "projectAudiences": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "status": [
- "active"
], - "search": "string",
- "is_default": true,
- "sort_by": "id",
- "type": "segmentation",
- "experiences": [
- 0
], - "usage": "used",
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
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- "sort_direction": "asc",
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- "active"
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- "search": "string",
- "sort_by": "id",
- "usage": "used",
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "projectLiveData": {
- "experiences": [
- 0
], - "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
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- 0
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- "campaign"
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- "speed": 5,
- "enabled": true
}, - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "time"
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- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "results_per_page": 30,
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- "api"
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- "audience"
], - "audiences": [
- 0
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- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "hypotheses": [
- 0
], - "domains": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
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- 0
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- "project"
], - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "timestamp"
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- "event_types": [
- "view_experience"
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "segments": {
- "devices": [
- "iPhone"
], - "browsers": [
- "internet_explorer"
], - "countries": [
- "st"
], - "visitor_types": [
- "new"
], - "campaigns": [
- "string"
], - "custom_segments": [
- 0
], - "sources": [
- "campaign"
}, - "auto_refresh": {
- "speed": 5,
- "enabled": true
}, - "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "time"
}, - "experienceHistoryList": {
- "methods": [
- "api"
], - "objects": [
- "report"
], - "sort_by": "timestamp",
- "variations": [
- 0
], - "changes": [
- 0
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- "expand": [
- "project"
], - "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "timestamp"
}, - "experienceReport": {
- "sections": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "summary"
}, - "experienceReportFirstView": {
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "goal_name"
}, - "experienceReportSecondView": {
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "variation_name"
}, - "projectFeatures": {
- "results_per_page": 30,
- "sort_direction": "asc",
- "search": "string",
- "only": [
- 0
], - "except": [
- 0
], - "sort_by": "id",
- "columns": [
- {
- "visible": true,
- "name": "name"
}, - "uiSettings": {
- "hide_demo_project": true,
- "onboard": {
- "remind_in": 0
}, - "notificationsSeen": [
- "TODO-define-it"
], - "generalSettings": {
- "lastOpenAccount": 0,
- "lastOpenProject": 0,
- "frontendVersion": "v0",
- "convertLabsOptIn": false
}, - "mfaEnabled": true
}, - "isSudo": true,
- "mfa_backup_codes": [ ]
This defines how a user gets access to accounts(Collaborates into accounts)
first_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's first name |
last_name | string <= 200 characters Collaborator's last name |
Array of objects List of projects the user can access | |
string <= 100 characters Collaborator's email | |
user_id | string or null The ID of the User in case the access invitation was accepted by the user; null otherwise |
{- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "accesses": [
- {
- "api_access": true,
- "status": "active",
- "project": 0,
- "role": "owner"
], - "email": "string",
- "user_id": "string"
This object describes an API key which is used to authenticate, same as the owner of the respective project/account
name | string <= 100 characters Name of the API key - used for easier identification in the system |
projects | Array of numbers or null List of project ID's this key has access to. If no projects given, the key has access to all projects in the given account |
key_id | string API key ID, generated by the system upon creating the key |
key_secret | string Generated by the system upon creating the key. For security reasons, this is returned in full only at the time of creation. Any subsequent request will return this field masked. |
{- "name": "string",
- "projects": [
- 0
], - "key_id": "string",
- "key_secret": "string"
This object describes a project which holds together a set of Domains, Experiences, Goals, Audiences
global_javascript | string or null The global javascript code that will be loaded on all pages where the tracking script is installed, prior do processing any of experiences, goals, audiences etc. |
name | string <= 200 characters Name of the project. |
project_type | string Default: "web" Enum: "web" "fullstack" Value which describes project product type. |
object Project settings used for reporting | |
object General project's settings | |
object This holds project wide settings used by integrations | |
status | string (ProjectStatuses) Enum: "active" "inactive" "suspended" The project's status, one of the following. |
object or null Object representing the custom domain that is used for loading the tracking scripts and sending tracking requests to Convert servers instead of the standard Convert domain | |
object Default: {"production":{"label":"Production","is_default":true}} A user-defined key-value object which describes environments available for the project. The number of environments a user can add depends on their plan, by default only one environment is allowed. | |
Array of integers or SimpleGoal (object) (SimpleGoalExpandable) List of default goals for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleAudience (object) (SimpleAudienceExpandable) List of default audiences for this project | |
Array of integers or SimpleLocation (object) (SimpleLocationExpandable) List of default locations for this project | |
id | integer Unique identifier representing a specific project in an user account. The project Id is part of the tracking snippet |
accessRole | string (AccessRoleNames) Enum: "owner" "account_manager" "admin" "browse" "edit" "publish" "review" The access role with which the user can execute operations connected to this account |
owner_email | string Used only internally - An email of project owner. This field will exist only if project type is shared. |
account_id | integer The unique ID of the account under which this project is created. Account ID is also part of the tracking snippet |
created_at | integer Unix timestamp when project was created, in UTC time. |
modified_at | integer Unix timestamp when project was last modified, in UTC time. |
tracking_snippet | string The tracking code that needs to be placed on site in order to serve experiences from this project. |
type | string Enum: "own" "shared" Used only internally - A value which describes project ownership. Can be own or shared. |
object Various stats for this project. Optional field, controlled using include fields | |
Array of objects (Domain) The list of websites included in this project. | |
sdk_key | string or null An autogenerated hash key used to retrieve data of fullstack project. Available only for fullstack projects type. |
{- "global_javascript": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "project_type": "web",
- "reporting_settings": {
- "tested_visitors_quota": 0,
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "blocked_ips": {
- "single": [
- "string"
], - "range": [
- {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string"
}, - "stop_tracking_goals_after_days": "OFF",
- "smart_recommendations": true,
- "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "settings": {
- "allow_crossdomain_tracking": true,
- "allow_gdpr": true,
- "data_anonymization": true,
- "do_not_track": "OFF",
- "global_privacy_control": "OFF",
- "include_jquery": true,
- "include_jquery_v1": false,
- "disable_spa_functionality": false,
- "do_not_track_referral": false,
- "time_zone": "string",
- "utc_offset": 0,
- "time_format": "12h",
- "debug_token": {
- "value": "string",
- "ttl": 0
}, - "disable_default_config": false,
- "include_experience_collaborators": false,
- "version": "string",
- "legacy_script": false,
- "ignore_unused_locations": false,
- "tracking_script": {
- "current_version": "string",
- "previous_version": "string",
- "available_versions": [
- {
- "version": "string",
- "changelog": "string",
- "released_date": 0,
- "apply_date": 0
], - "release": {
- "type": "manual"
}, - "visitor_insights": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "integrations_settings": {
- "crazyegg": {
- "api_key": "string",
- "api_secret": "string"
}, - "google_analytics": {
- "enabled": true,
- "auto_revenue_tracking": true,
- "type": "ga3",
- "property_UA": "string"
}, - "kissmetrics": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "hotjar": {
- "enabled": true
}, - "status": "active",
- "custom_domain": {
- "domain": "string",
- "status": "pending",
- "ownership_verification": { }
}, - "environments": {
- "production": {
- "label": "Production",
- "is_default": true
}, - "default_goals": [
- 0
], - "default_audiences": [
- 0
], - "default_locations": [
- 0
], - "id": 0,
- "accessRole": "owner",
- "owner_email": "string",
- "account_id": 0,
- "created_at": 0,
- "modified_at": 0,
- "tracking_snippet": "string",
- "type": "own",
- "stats": {
- "google_analytics": {
- "used_slots": [
- 0
], - "used_dimensions": [
- 0
}, - "usage": {
- "used_tested_users": 0,
- "used_tested_visitors": 0
}, - "active_segments_count": 0,
- "segments_count": 0,
- "experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiences_count": 0,
- "active_experiments_count": 0,
- "active_goals_count": 0
}, - "domains": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
], - "sdk_key": "string"
This object describes an SDK key which is used to get data under respective project/account
name | string <= 100 characters Name of the Sdk key - used for easier identification in the system |
sdk_key | string Sdk key, generated by the system upon creating the key |
sdk_secret | string or null Sdk key secret. If null then sdk key can be used without authentication |
environment | string Environment where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level |
{- "name": "string",
- "sdk_key": "string",
- "sdk_secret": "string",
- "environment": "string"
This object describes one domain part of a Project. This only applies for Web type projects
id | integer Domain ID. |
url | string <= 150 characters ^(http|https):// Domain's homepage url |
code_installed | boolean Default: false Indicating whether code installed check passed sometimes in the past. |
{- "id": 0,
- "url": "string",
- "code_installed": false
id | integer Experience's ID which identify an experience in the system |
integer or Project (object) (ProjectExpandable) | |
Array of objects (ExperienceAlert) | |
Array of objects (ExperienceCollaborator) | |
Array of integers or Audience (any) (AudienceExpandable) The list of audiences for which this experience is supposed to run | |
Array of integers or Location (object) (LocationExpandable) The list of locations on which this experience is supposed to run | |
Array of integers or Goal (any) (GoalExpandable) The list of goals connected to this experience; experience of type deploy does not have goals attached; | |
Array of integers or Tag (object) (TagExpandable) The list of tags connected to this experience | |
Array of objects (MultipageExperiencePage) Only for multipage experience type | |
Array of objects (ExperienceUserCustomizations) <= 100 items The list of user defined variables to customize UI | |
object Experience's condensed statistics(only for experiences that get access to a report) | |
Array of integers or CollapsedExperienceVariationData (object) or ExperienceVariationBaseExtended (object) (ExperienceVariation) The list of variations of this experience. | |
description | string <= 500 characters The description given by the user for the experience. It could be for instance a memo on what the experience is willing to achieve |
start_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was first started, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't started yet) |
end_time | integer or null The timestamp of the moment when the experience was stopped, in UTC time (it's 0 if it wasn't stopped yet) |
global_js | string Global Experience's JavaScript that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
global_css | string Global Experience's StyleSheet that will run for this experience before its changes are applied |
name | string <= 100 characters Experience's name |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
primary_goal | integer ID of primary goal attached to this experience, all automations on reporting(if available) will be computed based on this goal |
objective | string or null <= 5000 characters Experience's objective |
object (ExperienceSettings) Experience's settings list | |
object or null The set of rules that decide on which pages is the experiment firing, in case locations is not being used; Both Include and exclude can contain same type of rules. Out of all possible rule elements available only the following subset is allowed for Site Area: url, url_with_query,query_string, page_tag_page_type, page_tag_category_id, page_tag_category_name, page_tag_product_sku, page_tag_product_name, page_tag_product_price, page_tag_customer_id, page_tag_v1, page_tag_v2, page_tag_v3, page_tag_v4" | |
status | string (ExperienceStatuses) Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "completed" "scheduled" "archived" "deleted" |
traffic_distribution | number decimal places <= 2 [ 0 .. 100 ] Traffic distribution percentage |
type | string (ExperienceTypes) Enum: "a/b" "a/a" "mvt" "split_url" "multipage" "deploy" "a/b_fullstack" "feature_rollout" Describes experience's type. "a/b_fullstack", "feature_rollout" experiences can be created only under fullstack projects type. |
url | string <uri> <= 2048 characters The URL loaded inside the Visual Editor in order to create changes visually. |
version | number Experience's version number |
Array of ExperienceIntegrationBaidu (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicktale (object) or ExperienceIntegrationClicky (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCnzz (object) or ExperienceIntegrationCrazyegg (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEconda (object) or ExperienceIntegrationEulerian (object) or ExperienceIntegrationGoogleAnalytics (any) or ExperienceIntegrationGosquared (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHeapanalytics (object) or ExperienceIntegrationHotjar (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMixpanel (object) or ExperienceIntegrationMouseflow (object) or ExperienceIntegrationPiwik (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSegmentio (object) or ExperienceIntegrationSitecatalyst (object) or ExperienceIntegrationWoopra (object) or ExperienceIntegrationYsance (object) List of integrations that this experience's data is sent to | |
Array of objects Info data about experience's variations screenshots | |
environments | Array of strings Deprecated List of environments where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level |
environment | string The environment where this experience will run. It has to be one of the environments defined at the project level. If not set, the project's default environment will be used. |
{- "id": 0,
- "project": 0,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "not_in_project",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "collaborators": [
- {
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "role": "string",
- "user_id": "string",
- "is_author": true
], - "audiences": [
- 0
], - "locations": [
- 0
], - "goals": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
], - "multipage_pages": [
- {
- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "customizations": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "stats": {
- "goal_id": 0,
- "conversions": 0,
- "variations_observed_results": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "improvement": 0,
- "probability_beat_control": 0,
- "test_result": "winner"
], - "visitors": 0
}, - "variations": [
- 0
], - "description": "string",
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0,
- "global_js": "string",
- "global_css": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "primary_goal": 0,
- "objective": "string",
- "settings": {
- "split_url_settings": {
- "split_regex_support": true,
- "split_add_query_params": true,
- "split_query_params_hide_regex": true
}, - "matching_options": {
- "audiences": "any",
- "locations": "any"
}, - "stats_engine_processing": {
- "stats_type": "frequentist",
- "confidence": 50,
- "power": 10,
- "test_type": "one_tail",
- "multiple_comparison_correction": "none",
- "power_calculation_type": "none",
- "fixed_mde": 0.1
}, - "confidence": 0,
- "keep_winner": true,
- "min_order_value": 0,
- "max_order_value": 0,
- "outliers": {
- "order_value": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "products_ordered_count": {
- "detection_type": "none"
}, - "max_running_time": 999,
- "max_variation_visitors": 0,
- "max_experience_visitors": 0,
- "min_variation_conversions": 0,
- "min_conversion_value": 0,
- "min_running_time": 999,
- "min_variation_visitors": 0,
- "stop_loser": true,
- "srm_check": true,
- "visual_editor": {
- "selector_blacklist": "string",
- "screen_width": 240,
- "user_agent": "chrome_desktop"
}, - "site_area": {
- "include": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
], - "exclude": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "status": "draft",
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "type": "a/b",
- "version": 0,
- "integrations": [
- {
- "provider": "baidu",
- "enabled": true,
- "custom_dimension": "string"
], - "screenshots_info": [
- {
- "variation_id": 0,
- "in_progress_since": 0,
- "last_taken_screenshot_time": 0
], - "environments": [
- "string"
], - "environment": "string"
Internally, every experience's variation is made by combining one Section and on Version, as if it would be a Multivariate experiment. In case of a non Multivariate experiment, the experience has only one section and therefore each version under it will correspond to one Variation
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Section's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Name of the section |
Array of strings or SectionVersion (object) Version definition. Each Multivariate experience is made of a list of Sections and a list of Versions Than, variations of a Multivariate experience are made of all possible combinations of versions, takin one from each section. Example: Experience has Section A and Section B. Section A has Version 1 and Version 2, Section B has Version 3 and Version 4 The resulting experience's variations will be the following:
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "versions": [
- "string"
The version is an entity that lives under a section in order to group together the changes that compose the experience. In case of a non Multivariate experience, each version corresponds to one variation. in the case of a MVT experiment, one variation would be made by combining one version from each of the defined sections.
id | string [ 1 .. 2 ] characters ^[0-9a-z]{1,2}$ Version's unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Version's name |
Array of integers or ExperienceChange (any) | |
Array of integers |
{- "id": "st",
- "name": "string",
- "changes": [
- 0
], - "variations": [
- 0
A variation is the object that reference all the changes presented to a visitor through one experience.
id | integer Variation unique ID |
name | string <= 200 characters Variation name |
description | string or null <= 2000 characters Variation description |
is_baseline | boolean Flag indicating whether this variation is the baseline or not |
traffic_distribution | number decimal places <= 2 [ 0 .. 100 ] Traffic distribution percentage, a float between 0 and 100. To use it, all variations should have it, otherwise traffic_distribution will be recalculated |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
status | string (ExperienceVariationStatuses) Enum: "stopped" "running" |
Array of integers or ExperienceChange (any) An array of changes that this variation would apply. |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_baseline": true,
- "traffic_distribution": 100,
- "key": "string",
- "status": "stopped",
- "changes": [
- 0
This object represents one change that is presented to the visitor through the experience. A change is connected to a a Version which in turn is connected to the Variation which gets presented to the user.
id | integer The ID of the experience change |
type | string |
object This contains all data of this change, any code, settings etc This is sent by default in the following requests responses: getExperienceChange; All other responses that return this field, will only return it if "include" request parameter contains its name Data object structure will correspond to the "type" field |
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "richStructure",
- "data": {
- "js": "string",
- "selector": "string",
- "page_id": "string",
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
A goal is the object which defines how a conversion would be tracked.
id | integer Goal ID |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the goal to identify it easily |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified. |
description | string <= 500 characters A given description for the goal to easily identify it later |
is_system | boolean Describes whether the goal is a system created goal or not. |
object (GoalStats) | |
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc | |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this goal is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
status | string (GoalStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible goal statuses |
type | any |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "is_system": true,
- "stats": {
- "conversions_last_48h": 0,
- "times_used": 0
}, - "triggering_rule": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "selected_default": true,
- "status": "active",
- "type": "advanced"
This object describes an Location, which can be used to target experiences.
id | integer ID of the location as identified into the database; it won't be provide for adding a new location |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the location in order to easily identify it |
status | string (LocationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible location statuses |
name | string <= 100 characters a name given to the location in order to easily identify it |
preset | boolean Flag that indicates whether this location is a preset or not. |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this location is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
object Different Location statistics | |
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for matching locations | |
any (LocationTrigger) This one describes a logical triggering rule that is being used inside the app |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
}, - "trigger": {
- "type": "dom_element",
- "selector": "string",
- "events": [
- "click"
This object describes an Audience, which can be used to target experiences.
id | integer ID of the audience as identified into the database; it won't be provide for adding a new audience |
description | string <= 500 characters A description given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
status | string (AudienceStatuses) Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible audience statuses |
name | string <= 100 characters a name given to the audience in order to easily identify it |
preset | boolean Flag that indicates whether this audience is a preset or not. |
selected_default | boolean Describes whether this audience is selected as default or not when creating a new experience. |
object Different Audience statistics | |
type | string (AudienceTypesNoUrl) Type of the Audience. Can be one of the following:
object or null This one describes a logical rule that is being used inside the app for triggering goals, matching audiences etc |
{- "id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "name": "string",
- "preset": true,
- "selected_default": true,
- "stats": {
- "experiences_usage": 0
}, - "type": "permanent",
- "rules": {
- "OR": [
- {
- "AND": [
- {
- "OR_WHEN": [
- {
- "rule_type": "url",
- "value": "string",
- "matching": {
- "negated": true,
- "match_type": "matches"
id | integer The ID of the hypothesis |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the hypothesis to identify it easily |
url | string or null <= 2048 characters Url reference for the hypothesis |
integer or Project (object) (ProjectExpandable) | |
prioritization_score | string A score calculated based on prioritization score attributes |
objective | string <= 5000 characters A given description for the hypothesis to easily identify it later |
status | string (HypothesisStatuses) Enum: "applied" "archived" "completed" "draft" "proven" "disproven" Hypothesis status |
start_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be a past date when you or your colleagues actually came up to this hypothesis |
end_date | string or null <date> <= 10 characters The date in format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be the date when you expect that the hypothesis is turned into an experience |
summary | string <= 500 characters Summary of your hypothesis |
created_at | integer The timestamp when hypothesis was created, in UTC time |
created_by | string or null The name of the author who made created this hypothesis |
prioritization_score_type | string A given description of prioritizing model |
object (PIE_Attributes) Attributes according to selected prioritization score type | |
Array of ExperienceId (integer) or BaseSimpleExperience (object) or null (BaseExperienceExpandable) The list of experiences connected to this hypothesis | |
Array of integers or Tag (object) or null (TagExpandable) The list of tags connected to this hypothesis |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "prioritization_score": "string",
- "objective": "string",
- "status": "applied",
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "created_by": "string",
- "prioritization_score_type": "PIE",
- "prioritization_score_attributes": {
- "potential": 1,
- "importance": 1,
- "ease": 1
}, - "experiences": [
- 0
], - "tags": [
- 0
id | integer The ID of the knowledge base |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the knowledge base to identify it easily |
integer or Project (object) (ProjectExpandable) | |
status | string (KnowledgeBaseStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Knowledge base status |
summary | string <= 500 characters Summary of your knowledge base |
created_by | string or null The name of the author who made created this knowledge base |
updated_at | integer The timestamp when knowledge base was updated, in UTC time |
Array of integers or Tag (object) or null (TagExpandable) The list of tags connected to this knowledge base |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "summary": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "updated_at": 0,
- "tags": [
- 0
id | integer The ID of the observation |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the observation to identify it easily |
description | string <= 5000 characters This is more details that want to be added besides the name of the observation. E.g. The Observation Name can be "How to fry an egg" and the description can be the recipe. |
integer or Project (object) (ProjectExpandable) | |
status | string (ObservationStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" Observation status |
url | string <= 2048 characters Url reference for the observation. |
created_by | string or null The name of the author who made created this observation |
created_at | integer The timestamp when observation was created, in UTC time |
Array of objects or null (ObservationImageData) This is the document that is used as a visual representation of the observe feature | |
Array of integers or Tag (object) or null (TagExpandable) The list of tags connected to this observation |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "project": 0,
- "status": "active",
- "url": "string",
- "created_by": "string",
- "created_at": 0,
- "images": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "tags": [
- 0
id | integer Feature ID |
name | string <= 100 characters A name given to the feature to identify it easily |
status | string (FeatureStatuses) Default: "active" Enum: "active" "archived" List of possible feature statuses |
key | string <= 32 characters A unique per project level identifier. Autogenerated based on name unless specified |
object (FeatureStats) | |
description | string <= 200 characters A given description for the feature to easily identify it later |
Array of any (FeatureVariable) An array of user-defined variables of a feature. |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "key": "string",
- "stats": {
- "times_used": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "variables": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "type": "json",
- "default_value": "string"
id | integer Unique identifier representing a specific tag in an user account. |
name | string <= 100 characters Name of the tag. |
description | string <= 200 characters More detailed description of the tag. |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"